Guess what I'm going to review next...
Go on...
30 Days of Night
I watched it last night on DVD. Not really heard much about it to be honest, other than a weak hype making machine trying to make out it was great.
To be fair, it wasn't bad, but the characters and story were very poor and cliched. It had a lot of potential, but it always seemed to cut short of itself whenever it had the potential to go on to greatness.
Things were never really expanded on, it just constantly left you feeling frustrated that it didn't quite do enough or go far enough - in terms of story, character, direction, writing... Just everything fell annoyingly short.
So in the end, you just stop caring about the film and it's characters. It's a real shame as it was bubbling with such potential. The effects and cinematography were just dying to be unleashed into a decent film. Sadly, they were shackled into a bland, underdeveloped, unoriginal plank of a movie. 5/10
Maxi-Minor_Furie however went to see
Wall-E. Here's my interview with him afterwards to see what he thought of the film (interview conducted at McDonalds Restaurant, Stafford).
Furie - So, what did you do today Maxi-Minor_Furie?
MMF - Me saw Wall-E
Furie - Was that at the cinema?
MMF - (nods over a McChicken Nugget)
Furie - Was the film good?
MMF - (nods over french fry)
Furie -What happened?
MMF - She say "Wall-E" (giggles)
Furie - What else happened?
MMF - (No response)
- Interview terminated.
Not too bad for his first visit to the cinema :lol:
Madame_furie took him, and said that he was desperately bored after an hour, as were all the other three year olds. He seems charmed by the film, but like The Incredibles, he thinks he should enjoy it much more than he actually does. Toy Story (1 and 2), Monsters Inc. and Nemo he can watch right the way through and enjoy all the time - so there must be something about those films which captivates the younger audience. I'd probably say the same to be honest, they're the four Pixar films I'm happy to be subjected to again and again! As lovely as the other films are, they just don't stand up to constant re-watching.
I think it'll be next Wednesday before I get a chance to see it now