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"Now Showing"

I just need a nice, relaxed movie to watch on the coming summer days. Ghibli are **** masters at lazily paced movies, like Totoro and Ponyo.

Also I'm a ghibli fangirl so I need them all.
Cowboys and Aliens
Nerd win to the tenth power. So much nerd in 2 hours, I found it enjoyable. Olivia Wilde? Yes please.

Friends with Benefits
Very enjoyable and everyone knows how its gonna go, but still Mila Kunis? Yes please. Too bad she had a **** butt double.
Super 8

OMFG, why can't every film be like this?! Just perfect in every way. The score is beautiful, the action is epic, the CGI blends in really well, it's terrifying, exciting, funny, has great child actors and is just all round awesome.


Rating: 5/5
Well, I watched The Hole and it wasn't very good.

It couldn't quite work out if it was a traditional "horror" or a "kid's suspense". It worked as neither. There was too much taken from Poltergeist, Lost Boys and The Ring, put into a neat and clean package and dished out. Pants. 3/5

Also watched The Wrestler finally, which was good. Some great acting, and a lovely rambling kind of style. It seemed to try a bit too hard to be "anti-Rocky", with everything going to **** rather than winning through. Poignant at times I guess though, but excellent film to sit and just watch the performances. 4/5.

Now, must go and see Super 8.
Cars 2

After hearing just about everyone call it the worst Pixar film ever, I knew it had to be enjoyable, because I still want to get those 2 hours back I lost seeing Wall-e, and knew it couldn't be horrible. I actually enjoyed it, I liked it more than the first Cars. The first one did nothing for me and seemed like it dragged its feet, and I think I have a dislike for Owen Wilson growing now. Not entirely sure, but I truly did enjoy the movie. It was cute, I laughed, and it was just a nice movie. Not near the best Pixar movie, but saying its worse than Bug's Life is a stretch. I mean, Disney had to have their "big companies are bad and if you use fossil fuel you will die and go to hell" message, but that is what I now expect from Disney.

I saw Captain America yesterday and it was amazing. I can barely contain my excitement for The Avengers.

So yeah, went cinema, saw films. Started the day with Mr Popper's Penguins after masses of faff from the staff who managed to break the projection system for the whole cinema.

The film was actually alright, very predictable but good, family fun. It was really weird to see Angela Lansbury in it though, love her in Murder she wrote but she looks so old now, like, really old, anyway it was just nice to see her in something new. Oh and the 'bad guy' is the Shield agent from the Marvel films so that was weird. So yeah, expect cheesy fun and you'll enjoy it. Oh and the assistant who constantly uses alliteration all the time amused me a lot, her lines would amuse the likes of Will and Richard.

Rating: 3/5

Captain America in 3D.

Well I loved it in 2D and I was intrigued to see how bad the 3D conversion is after Thor's terrible 3D. You know what? One of the better 3D conversions I've seen, you know I moaned about the poor compositing style, well it seems to add to the depth in the 3D version and somehow works. So yeah, still awesome.

Rating: 4/5

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Awesome. Apart from the title, too much of a mouthful of urgh. Seriously enjoyed this film from start to finish. The CGI is absolutely stunning, so life-like. Really great performances from the whole cast and it sets up nicely for a sequel but also sets up what happens in the original film which I thought was cool.

Rating: 4/5

The Devil's Double

Dominic Cooper seems to be in everything at the moment but this is clearly his best film. It's gripping from start to end and he is just excellent as both Hussain's son and his doppelganger. There are some scenes which were brutally gruesome (kinda put Saw to shame in terms of shock value) and lots of nudity. To be honest the film needs to be seen purely for Cooper's performance.

Rating: 5/5
The Change Up

It was raunchy, dirty, hilarious, and you got to see Olivia Wilde's bobs, so yeah it was enjoyable.

I watched Angles and Demons for the first time last night.

I wasn't particularly interested in the film since I imagined it's like the film adaptation of The DaVinci Code: An incredibly dumbed down version of a book that requires very little intellect in the first place.

Well, I was right; It was dire. I actually quite liked the book (like most of Dan Brown's stuff actually, apart from that awful Lost Symbol bollocks), so I only really wanted to watch the film because of the locations.

So yeah, it was great watching it and recognising basically all of the locations from my visit to Rome a few weeks ago, but the film itself is awful.
If you don't know already. Orange are giving everyone a free film download from iTunes every Thursday.
This week it's The Wrestler. It works in a similar way to Orange Wednesdays. You send a text, get a code and enter it on iTunes to get your free film.

Another great reason to be with Orange. :)

I had heard good things, and was willing to give it a chance. Complete dog ****. A movie advertised for kids has such a dark undertone, the language for a nickelodeon movie is a stretch at best, It was too long, it was Johnny Depp doing the same thing he does in the Pirates movie, ramble and try and sound intelligent. I did enjoy the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but that was about it. I felt it to be too dark for the type of movie it was "supposed" to be, and Johnny Depp kind of just annoys me now.


Rise of the Space Rock of the Primates

I loved it. I loved how real Ceaser and the other apes looked and just the emotion that they were able to present. I liked the almost hidden mission to mars that ties in with the future of the films. I hope this leads to a full reboot as I think they can do a great job with it.

I liked Rango, but as a curiosity. As you say it was completely wrong for a kids film, with references that could never reach them. A little "nudge nudge" for adults is fine to help engage them, but Rango seemed so full of them that it could never appeal properly to children. So yeah, I enjoyed it, but it fails for waht it sets out to do.

I sadly watched Resident Evil: The latest Round of zombie killing or whatever it's called. I actually enjoy watching these films. They're awful, but made well enough to get a way with it. It's a ridiculous film of a ridiculous game and it never pretends to be anything else, only it does it well. A lot of these films just give up when it comes to making any effort, but the Resi films are high quality rubbish.

So yeah, absolutely dreadful, but a great "Friday night with a bottle of wine" film.

Also watched How to lose friends and alienate people which was rubbish, but I like Simon Pegg. Erm, yeah, it was rubbish and Megan Fox needs to be put down... Or taken off the screens and sold as a sex slave, just as long as she gets absolutely no more screen time ever! And Kirsten Dunce, she needs to be put in a box with Julia Roberts and lowered into a Velociraptor pit... If Velociraptors don't exist, we need to create some from the blood extracted from mosquitoes and mixed with the DNA of frogs to create them JUST to allow these two annoyingly faced bints to suffer.
A double bill on Sunday...

Super 8

Tbh, I wasn't sure what to expect from this film, but damn it was just good... It was just a great mix of acting, visual effects and storytelling, with the kids proving that they have an excellent future in the business... It was a good old fashioned Spielberg film even with Abrams directing, and there was just really nothing wrong with it...

Family film with plenty of jumps and scares, but not being off-putting to kids aside from the beastie's look (Abrams likes them he does)... Plus the train crash of epicness is just awesome...


Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Again a film I wasn't expecting much on, what with the history of this franchise being mixed and what-not... But again, there was a very good film within, and rather realistic, considering the subject matter... The animation was very well done and rarely did you think the animated apes were awful to look at... A rather slow and ponderous start led up to a final frantic 30 minutes (like Super 8 in fact) but it meant a well developed story and characters were allowed to breathe next to our primate relatives...

Andy Serkis has been typecast as well... But still, a very good actually enjoyable film that actually makes you think about our attempts to create genetic superiority without thinking of the side effects... Damn dirty science corporations!

Even if I might not agree with all of them, Furie & Gavin write the best film reviews ever <3
I was tempted to quote the most recent rant, as I have nothing useful to add.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I liked it. I thought it did a good, convincing (ish) job of explaining the back story to the original film (by original, I'm talking about the Charlton Heston version, not that Burton monstrosity), and I liked the subtle, and a few not so subtle, references to the original.

Issues? It's weird as a prequel in that yes, you can watch it as a film on its own without knowing the original, BUT if this was the first of the series you'd seen, the original would be ruined for you. I don't need to give spoilers about the original here, but if you've seen it you'll know exactly what I mean. Having said that, if you were unfamiliar with the original (or at least the Burton version) would this appeal to you in the first place?

CGI? I spent 2 hours being wowed by it, but not even 2 seconds being convinced by it. That's not to say it's not amazing, because it really is, but when you're spending so much time thinking "the CGI is incredible", then you're acknowledging it as animation and it's also taking away from a lot of other things.

So yeah, not sure what my point is really, other than if you're planning on seeing it, make sure you watch the original first. It won't make any difference in understanding this film (it's pretty straightforward), but it's a fantastic film that will be RUINED by this one if you don't watch it first.
^They are, to everything I have seen, redoing the series, not a reboot but using the same slate, wiping it off, and throwing a few subtle hints of the original in there to please the original fans.
The Inbetweeners Movie.

Haven't reviewed a movie on here for a while but no one has done this one yet so I might as well let people know what it's like.

First things first. It's a REALLY funny film. If you love the show then you'll love the film. If you've never seen the TV show then you'll still love the film (there were people in our group that had never seen an episode before).
It's great to actually laugh along with a lot more people. At home it's funny but when about 250 people are laughing as well it just makes it even more great.

Word of warning though. This is NOT some EPIC movie. Don't expect everything on a massive scale and it to be the most amazing thing ever. It's just more like a feature-length episode of the TV show. Just all back to back in one go. It's good in a way as they haven't risked spoiling the show at all by making a naff movie. Although I have to admit that there's much funnier moments in some of the TV episodes than this film. Although this film just has a lot more smaller laughs and maybe a couple of major ones. There's not as many quotes in here as you'd expect and the plot is really predictable.
But it is really really funny though. It ends a bit suddenly but it ends on a high and the bits during the credits are great as well.

So yeah. You won't be disappointed. It's a great final farewell to the Inbetweeners and I'd rather they send it off like this rather than drag it on for as long as they can until it's dead.
