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The Legend
No.. he is a terrible actor who had one good role.. on which he should have ended his career. He is not funny and the only funny parts of Due Date were when someone was hurting Zach.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Just saw Kings Speech.

9.8/10, tremendous film with tremendous acting. And a lot of Harry Potter actors.

The only thing I wasn't very convinced with was Timothy Spall's portrayal of Churchill. Not enough bass!


The Legend
Green Hornet

Seth Rogan should never be a superhero.


True Grit

Great acting, great story.. just westerns aren't my cup of tea.



Strata Poster

I had no desire to see this at all. None. It looked like crap, but I was trying to get a filler movie before the new season of weeds is released on Netflix. I was amazingly shocked at how good it was. Definitely a lot better movie than I thought. It was the perfect Nicholas Cage role, I ****ING HATE HIM btw, but he actually did pretty well. Hopefully they will end up making the sequel.



Strata Poster
The King's Speech is very good, especially considering it's essentially a couple of hours of people talking - or not as the case may be! Pretty much flawless, so I'm glad I finally got around to dragging myself to that, definitely in the Top 5 of the last 12 months, just, as I suspected maybe not quite as good the BAFTA people seemed to believe.


CF Legend
^Yeah, that's my opinion on it as well.

HBC STOLE it as well. Obviously. Cause she's amazing.

Also, Kick Ass rocks. And anyone that doesn't think so is stupid.


The Legend
Kick Ass, FaceOff, and The Rock were his ONLY good roles. They rest.. meh. Kick Ass was a fantastic movie though.


CF Legend


Silly Snoo.


Strata Poster
I discovered this on Youtube the other day, I'm sure others have too, but if not, then I hope to be handy:

You can view films on Youtube OFFICIALLY in full length and copyright free! Just go to http://www.youtube.com/movies and browse through the wares on offer. Admittedly, a lot of it is tosh, and crappy cheap films that nobody would want to watch, but there are a few gems in their which personally are amazing to find free to view, such as "M".

Have a look and view some films for free :)


The Legend
Well that I've seen. I try not to keep up to date with all Nicholas Cage movies as.. well.. I don't like puking.


Strata Poster
He is better than Keanu Reeves, but not by much. Reeves does have Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure though <3. Epic movie.

Worst Actors ever
1. Reeves
2. Cage
3. Not even close.

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
kimahri said:
But he's a so bad it's good type of awful..


He's just hilarious... He just has his own way of acting, a lot like Christopher Walken... Weird, but bloody hilarious and brilliant for it, and many films with the two of them wouldn't be the same without either of them...