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Giga Poster
Alice In Wonderland- <3 Tim Burton and Johnny Depp,
Up in the Air was good too
It's Complicated is hilarious as well.
The Lovely Bones sounds like it could be good as well.


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Neal said:
Didn't Queen use scenes from Metropolis in Radio GaGa?

Indeed. It was also the inspiration for Madonna's Express Yourself video, which is one of the best music videos EVER. It even quotes the film directly at the end.



CF Legend
That really is a fab video Gavin! But you could have warned me there was an adorable black cat in it, I'm damned upset now :(

Toppy! <\3


Strata Poster
Just watched Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of the Black Pearl for the first time today.

I watched the second one first, and didn't like it, mainly as I didn't know what the **** was going on. As a result, I refused to watch any of them thereafter...but I gave in today and watched it.

It was actually really good, full of fun action, Keira Knightley's bosoms and a rather good plot.

A good watch.



CF Legend
I dunno, she looks pretty good in this photo I just found of her...
