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"Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land



I think that video is just a show of what the concept is about, IMO Steel Hawg looks a lot better then that, hopefully they get another design.


CF Legend
If being easier to theme is a reason for Thorpe's choice, one would think they intend to theme it. Since it was you who established that being easier to theme is a benefit of a cheap coaster over an expencive one, one would think you assume they intend to theme it quite bloody well.

The great possibility of Saw turning out **** is irelevent to the disgussion in hand, since all this talk started in response to people disgussing why Flamingoland are get the coasters they do... And not rides by more expencive companies.

Mackem Lad

Mega Poster
Oh. My. God.

After the truly awful name of Flip Flop last year...

Flamingo Land have named this world record coaster, "Mumbo Jumbo".

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Giga Poster
Well, if that is true (do you have a reliable source?) then at least it takes some weight off such rides as Rita and Cornball Express.


CF Legend
I think that's a fantastic name. Describes what the ride does perfectly and fits in with their boarder-line-racist African inspired lineup awesomely.

Mackem Lad

Mega Poster
The word/phrase Mumbo Jumbo is certainly funky and fun but I just don't think it suits a ride such as El Loco. I was hoping they'd go with a more darker and fearsome approach the ride - they've went the complete opposite.

Anyway, here's what the cars will look like. I like them.



Giga Poster
I can't really see there being any themeing now with a name like 'Mumbo Jumbo'. Although it does kind of tie into how the coaster appears, with its strange messy layout.

The cars are looking pretty good.


Mountain monkey
Staff member
*looking at the stickied topics in this forum*

Terminator: the Coaster
SAW: The Ride
Mumbo Jumbo

Name-wise, that's the worst lineup I've ever seen in one year. Seriously. And there are still a couple of "unknown"s to uncover. I'm looking forward to that. With dismay.


Giga Poster
Mumbo Jumbo.

-"meaningless, confusing".

Err, yep.

They should have named it "Um Bongo - The Ride". That would have been half funny.


Mountain monkey
Staff member
Well, if we know the name, the opening date, the manufacturer, and appearently the fun of the ride, why is this topic still "announced"?
We know far less about Terminator and the EP launcher, Termy was even announced after this. So why bother having it on top of the page, instead of sticking it like normal?

And the name may be hideous, but whatever. It looks like a complete mess, the model name means "The crazy", so a WTF name is propably quite suitable.


Hyper Poster
Just looks like a complete mess lol, from the concept to the name.

I am glad its going to Flamingo and not somewhere like towers or PBB lol.


Mega Poster
I like the name.

It's a crap name in many senses, but it's perfect for this ride at this park. Kinda fits with Kumali/Flip Flop too.