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Manta- B&M Flyer for SWO opening May 22


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
I don't think that pretzel loops are like being sat on by a fat guy, but I do like the analogy.
So if pretzel loops are like being sat on by a fat guy, then Superman:Ultimate Flight is like being sat on by Kevin Smith, but Tatsu is like being sat on by Mike Myers (as Fat Bastard). :lol:
I would imagine Manta would feel like being sat on by John Goodman.


CF Legend
Gazza said:
Pretzel Loops are like being sat on by a fat guy. What is there to enjoy...?
Which is better? Being forceful like Tatsu, or forceless like Kraken?

There's a distinction between forceful, and too forceful. I could say being hit by a bus is forceful, doesn't mean I enjoy it.


Giga Poster
Gazza said:
Pretzel Loops are like being sat on by a fat guy. What is there to enjoy...?
Which is better? Being forceful like Tatsu, or forceless like Kraken?

Kraken is not forecless, I rode it 8 times in one night because I loved the forces, mind you they didn't have the trims on, but even then the first part isn't forceless anyway! :x Never insult my Krak again :lol:


Giga Poster

Thought that would be worth posting.


CF Legend
Cool video, looks a lot slower than I thought it would go looks like Air speed.

It sort of looks graceful if you know what I mean.

But its hard to tell on a video.


Slut for Spinners
Plus, the ride design is supposed to be more graceful and comfortable. That's what flying is like, unless you're in a fighter jet.


Giga Poster
Jools said:
Kraken is not forecless, I rode it 8 times in one night because I loved the forces, mind you they didn't have the trims on, but even then the first part isn't forceless anyway! :x Never insult my Krak again :lol:

Don't get me wrong, I also loved the ride and didn't think it was forceless or anything, I was just asking Ben a question since he has said in the past that Kraken is forceless.


Strata Poster
Jools said:
Gazza said:
Pretzel Loops are like being sat on by a fat guy. What is there to enjoy...?
Which is better? Being forceful like Tatsu, or forceless like Kraken?

Kraken is not forecless, I rode it 8 times in one night because I loved the forces, mind you they didn't have the trims on, but even then the first part isn't forceless anyway! :x Never insult my Krak again :lol:

Sorry Jools, but Southend_Marc and I also found Kraken rather forceless the last time we rode too. (Sept 07) We even rode front and back to be sure.

Anyways, I do like the look of Manta. I am not huge fan of flyers. Riding Tatsu did feel like my head was going to be torn clean off in the pretzel. Yet I also liked the uniqueness of it. I am not a total hater of Air, so even if Manta is a combination of both Tatsu and Air, it can't be a total wash out. There is a nice selection of elements and is quite pretty to look at.

I do get the whole graceful thing too. It is supposed to be a blooming Manta swimming through the water. To me, this does fit that. Like I say, take the flying, peaceful and almost relaxing parts of Air and mix that with some other elements and there it is.

I certainly look forward to riding it at some point...


CF Legend
Manta is what Air should of been like. :p
I really want to ride this. It's so photogenic as well.


The Legend


Might be a few people riding it.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team

Holy ****ing ****, I want to have sex on that ride.

Anyone find any video of it in full operation?

[EDIT]Searching on Youtube does wonders.

SeaWorld has released a POV video.


Mike T

Mega Poster
I was on the third public train - front row for my first ride. The attraction as itself is jaw dropping, and the coaster just makes it that much better. The queue line easily beats out Dueling Dragon's queue, the station is awesome (especially the audio that puts you into the flying position). The actual ride is fantastic. The first half was as expected, and the pretzel is very forceful. There's 3 airtime pops on the ride. The stuff after the midcourse is what really stole the show though. Let me assure everybody here that as boring and as slow as it looks - its easily my favorite part of the ride. You get 3 close calls, two in which you can actually touch water (first dip and waterfall). The third comes out of surprise due to the final flatspin element. Overall this is one of very few coasters that I can say is perfect the way it is. Its easily the most beautiful ride I've ever seen, and it fits within the park perfectly. I'll be going back tomorrow to get more rides - but let me just say that the further you go back on the train.... the better the ride gets :).



Giga Poster
I think everything about this ride has been done perfectly. I even like the trains now it's all come together well it seems.

I love that splash down effect too. Are there any videos of it?