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Kings Island | Banshee | B&M Invert


Giga Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

^Not impossible :wink: Orlando Thrill Park where about to get one! The layout would be similar to Top Thrill Dragster just with an invert train insted.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

Here is the interview I was quoting from on Cedar Fair not having a Wing Rider planned.


Another thought: what about a Maverick/Cheetah Hunt multi-launch?

The two strikes against such a concept would be:

1. Lower capacity than a B&M. Believe it or not, Kings Island can get CROWDED.

2. Intamin. Belief is that the issues faced with the Shoot the Rapids flume ride at Cedar Point were the straw that broke the donkey's back with Cedar Fair - Intamin relations.


1. Unique ride experience that would certainly be thrilling.

2. Great, hilly terrain that could be capitalized by such a ride type.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

Thanks! It was no work for myself or Jerry, Ouimet made it very easy and was such a pleasure to talk to.


Hyper Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

They should call it Coyote and it should go through the forest and it would have a new kind of an inversion deep in there


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

Latest construction update. Footers continue to be poured, with speculation on their shape and corresponding company.

A lot of people continue to buzz with B&M being the company to build Kings Island's 2014 attraction - but patience is still a virtue when we are using pieces of rock to base our assumptions.



Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8


Totally S&S.

Youngster Joey

Strata Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

Hyde244 said:
So we can go ahead and scratch out wing rider for Kings Island 2014.

Screamscape disagree's...

Screamscape sources have confirmed to us that not only is the new Kings Island 2014 coaster from B&M, but it will be a new large Wing Coaster. And yes… unless things change, we can expect to see it fly under the Banshee name.



Giga Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

That makes zero sense to me!

One would think that they wouldn't want to take the glory from GateKeeper just yet.


Strata Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

Id rather go with what Ouimett said, than what the rumor mill is churning out right now.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

^ Ditto.

Youngster Joey

Strata Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

Intricks said:
Id rather go with what Ouimett said, than what the rumor mill is churning out right now.

As would I, but it's interesting to me to see how different all the rumors can be.


Strata Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

Echoing: Ouimet made it very clear that there won't be another CF Wing coaster right away.


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

Youngster Joey said:
As would I, but it's interesting to me to see how different all the rumors can be.
That's why they're called rumors. :wink:


Hyper Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster - FOOTER PHOTOS ON 8

rollermonkey said:
Echoing: Ouimet made it very clear that there won't be another CF Wing coaster right away.

To be fair he said he didn't have any other Wing Coaster on the menu, which I think translates to "today I can't offer any other wing coaster", he didn't really say anything about future ones.

Youngster Joey

Strata Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

^To be fair though, they won't undercut Cedar Point by building another at a park in the same state. It was 10 years before Cedar Fair built their 2nd Giga after Milf.


Strata Poster
Re: Kings Island 2014 Roller Coaster

^^ This is still a Kinzel decision, so it is most likely a Giga. He wouldnt dare build something that could outshine Cedar Point the following season.

Plus, that triangular footer is a good clue to the ride type as Coaster Fusion has pointed out.