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Intimidator 305 - Kings Dominion Giga coaster

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Does anybody know how this coaster is going to look like. Any link photo of concept art or something.


Strata Poster
Man I might not be able to see it for 2 days after it's announced. I'm gonna be at Six Flags my birthday.


Strata Poster
Someone has to keep me posted somehow. My dad's laptop won't let him get on websites like this. Stupid government and their regulations.


The Legend
This might be the highlight of next year in the US.. I think we are all pretty excited.. even moreso considering I'll be riding it. :)


Mega Poster
Could this be the world’s first lift hill achieved 100mph coaster?

Indeed the rumoured height of 350ft would be a 12% increase on Millennium Force’s 310ft, and if that was reflected in top speed. A 12% increase on Millennium Force’s 93mph, would be 105mph.


Mountain monkey
Staff member
^Just remember that an increase in drop height isn't necessarily going to increase the speed by the same percentage. Still, you have a "buffer" of 5mph there, so maybe maybe.

Would a height of 350 ft make this the world's first Teracoaster, then? Per definition? Or is that term dropped?


The Legend
Well.. define for us 'teracoaster'.. as I don't seem to remember it. All I know is that Giga is from 300ft-399ft.. and Strata is 400ft+


Mountain monkey
Staff member
^Teracoaster = Chain/Cable lift coaster taller than 100 metres. Originally planned to first show up in Heide Park in Germany, but was dropped. Not to be confused with Terracoaster (whatever Maverick is).


The Legend
Maverick is just a coaster.. lol

And the height has yet to be defined, but I do remember something about that being mentioned. I guess we will have to wait and see.. but last time I checked the universal code for height went Mega, Hyper, Giga, Strata.

Might be just me though..


Hyper Poster
I think the Teracoaster term was just one being banded about by Heide at the time to make their concept sound cool. As far as i'm concerned, if it was 350ft, it'd just be the biggest Gigacoaster out there.
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