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Fårup My Frikadella Trip Reports!

OK I am more awake now, so here we go.

Things we have learned from Euro-Live:

Wasps are annoying, as are ladybirds.
Will is hilarious, Garnerisms are incredibly contagious.
Caffeine-demon and other various people are fun to watch fall over.
Sad face sweat patches are hilarious.
Piraten is awesome, as is Colossos.
Pinfari's are evil.
Boring man at Bakken is BORING!
Daemonen is rubbish.

That is all.
Wow, I really wish I'd gone now. I am supremely jealous!

BTW, if it's not too out of place to ask, what happened to Andy?
Highlights for me are ones you will guess :)

Meeting Jerry the kid and Gavin.

Getting to chat to people that I have been chatting to on msn for ages but not really met or spoken to face to face.

Mushroom falling off the trampoline, was just so funny and I saw the whole thing. I do not think I have ever laughed so much, I would have had pictures of it but I was on the floor laughing.

Dan falling over and ending up in the water (sorry Dan)

Me throwing water at the park worker and the whole group laughing after a second of silence.

I enjoyed a lot of the rides, the ERT was fantastic and the way the parks treated us words can not explain. They went out their way to make us feel welcome as did the staff that worked in the parks, customer service is better than I have ever experienced.

Yes the rides were not like the best in the world but there were a lot of ones that were unique and so well themed. The parks yet again showed just how bad uk parks are in every area from customer service to theming. Merlin get over to Hansa and see how you should have done Saw.

I will do a full trip report soon for each park but I need to be 100% awake.
Just been going through the whole story for Fluch von Novgorod on the official (thank heavens for English translation!).

Simply fantastic!
Lain said:
BTW, if it's not too out of place to ask, what happened to Andy?
On the final day at Hansa Park, I was standing by a table eating food when I passed out, collapsed and smacked my head on the stone/concrete floor. I've got a fairly nasty cut to the back of my head which required stitches and spent a while throwing up pretty badly, but there's no damage to my skull, and other than feeling fairly tired today, I'm in pretty good shape.

We've been talking to the doctors, and in addition to the CAT scan they did the other day they want to run a few other tests to try to determine why it happened. (Personally I think I was probably just tired, dehydrated and light headed, but they're keen to make sure it's nothing more serious). At the moment, it's looking like it'll be Tuesday or Wednesday before I'm discharged, but I'll try to keep everyone posted.
just on the last stage of my trip home couldn't face the coach jojrney so booked into a hotel and traveled today

Glad mousey is ok
Had an absolutely fantastic time. Best trip I've ever done by a country mile, so many thanks to everyone and of course Mark for organising it all. I would do a big trip report but I can't really be bothered. :p

There were so many awesome moments on the trip, it's impossible to say them all, but the highlights would have to be...

-All the bouncyness at all of the parks, notably Djurs and Hansa.
-Piraten... which was very very good.
-The behind the scenes tour of Rutschebanen at Tivoli Gardens... once in a lifetime chance and so awesome to see it all.
-The hospitality from all of the parks and people out there... made me realise how crap English parks actually are on that front.
-Actually getting on Colossos after it looking like it wasn't going to happen, and also the champagne they gave us.
-Novgorod and all its awesomeness.
-The obstacle course at Farup, and watching Steven fall in.

So much more to mention, which have already been mentioned or will no doubt be mentioned. Best park of the trip for me was definitely Djurs Sommerland, closely followed by Farup and Hansa, although all of the parks were brilliant.

Was nice to meet so many new people too, and get to know everyone more so than the last few lives I've been to. Will definitely go next year! :D
That tower thing looks horrifying. I find it amusing that everyone has come back talking like Will (especially judging by the facebook status updates). Also blindfolds on dodgems!? That has to be done more often me thinks :p

I'm also very very jealous of everyone that went on this trip, wish I could've gone :(

Also glad to hear MouseAT is feeling better and I hope you get back home soon!
Time for another "I will post more later" post!

I just got home a couple of hours ago. First of all, a huge thanks to Mark and Marc for letting me stay over, especially considering we'd never met before. Say hi to the cats for me, except that bitchy black one. She can just **** right off. Cheers queers!

Another big thanks to Slayed for organising everything. The amount we got done in such a short amount of time was brilliant. Plus, thanks to this trip, I'm sure we've built some fantastic relationships with parks that will continue well into the future.

And a huge thanks to everyone else for making me feel instantly comfortable with the group. It was my first live, and the first time I'd met most people there, but it really didn't feel that way at all. I don't care what anyone says. We may bitch, whine and argue on the forums (which is what makes it so much **** ing fun anyway), but Coasterforce has to be the friendliest bunch of people you're ever going to meet.

MouseAT, glad you're alright. You scared the **** out of us! Well done for getting all the coasters done before you smashed your head in though!

I'll post more thoughts/opinions on the parks a bit later, but I have to say that (most of) the U.K parks can officially suck my balls. Apart from a couple of "fairground" parks, every park we visited was gorgeous, with an amazing atmosphere. I'd happily spend time in most of them even if there were no coasters there. They were all staffed with people you would happily take home to meet your parents, who were genuinely pleased to see us and talk to us, and who seemed to take pride in the job they were being paid to do.

Got to go because me and my sunburned, flaky face (yum) are about to head out...
gavin said:
I just got home a couple of hours ago. First of all, a huge thanks to Mark and Marc for letting me stay over, especially considering we'd never met before. Say hi to the cats for me, except that bitchy black one. She can just <img src='http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_censored.gif' /> right off. Cheers queers!

You mean HE lol (I mean Trampolines)
Had a good nights sleep last night and a full English this morning. Have had such an amazing trip. So many memories and great rides/people. Was great to meet some new members such as Gavin, Manda and Jerry.
Denmark was an amazing country. LOADS of fit girls everywhere and an amazing pub where we all (about 8 members) got drunk and had a great time till silly hours in the morning.
Novgorod was amazing yesterday and the soundtrack is brilliant.
My photos are still uploading so will post day 1 tomorrow most likely.
Also get well soon to Andy. :)
< Jealous.

Glad you guys all had fun and enjoyed lovely Jerry. I hope he didn't reveal too many of our secrets.. :p
^ I'm jealous tooo :(

Oh well, maybe another time. I'm glad everything went good though, except for people being sick. What happened to MouseAT?