Alright, the results are in...
In fourth place we have
scw55 with a score of
Your design was very unique and the interaction between each side was maintained almost completely throughout the layout. Where your entry suffered has already been pointed out numerous times by you fellow CFers. This greatly hurt your technique score as, although I wasn't grading based on realism, your coaster was not out-there in all ways, just those inversions. Your scenery was clean, but honestly quite typical. I was hoping to see a little more effort put forth in the theming of your ride. The layout was also basically just a jumbled mess (which can work sometimes) but it didn't seem particularly inspiring to me. That said, there are various qualities of Dueling Insects that are commendable. As I said before, the timing and interactions were great and maintained for much of the layout. Your strongest category was "Interaction" and it's easy to see why. The first half or so of the layout was very interesting and very nice to ride, I just wish you could have kept it going in that direction. And as others have mentioned, you should consider adding brake runs at the end of your coasters. Speaking of what others said, you suffered greatly with user ratings and that was ultimately the reason you ended up in last.
In third place we have
thekingin64 with a score of
First off, I'd just like to say, this is definitely the best I have seen from you thus far. You are by all means the most improving member of our little CF RCT3 community. Every time you enter another contest, your entries get much better. But I must be a fair judge, and as much as this was much better, I'd like to see you putting more time into your entries in the future. I understand what it's like to get on a creative streak and just go to town and finish all in one go...but when you are "done" look over it and see what more you can do to improve the little things. Fixing some of those little things could have put you in the running for a higher place. Even still, I marked you down significantly for "Interaction" as I felt these coasters just didn't seem like they did much with each other (not to mention you didn't sync their start times). I personally have nothing against them being (basically) mirrored coasters, although it may have hurt your rider's choice ratings. A major issue for me was your lack of flooring and additional theming inside of your buildings. Adding more in each place would give your coasters more character and really make them more complete experiences. Another small thing (and people here really seem to hate it) is when you have the coaster run through a tree. I agree though; it's unrealistic and would never happen in real life. Just a general tip for you: use scenery everywhere, not just around the track. When you are on a ride, you see more than just what is right next to you (especially in high places) so cover up that barren land and give it some life. As for the user ratings, you didn't do so well there but it did give you the edge over scw55, who was only a little behind you in my grading. Good work!
In second place we have
portemine with a score of
It was great to see a new person on the RCT3 forums and even better that your work is of such high caliber. Your entry was bold, creative, edgy, and quite an enjoyable duo in my opinion. The idea of using two different manufacturers and such different coaster types was great. So what if someone else has done it before...yours was significantly better in my opinion. The terrain, although off-putting at first, really grew on me and the fact that I know you must have put a lot of effort into it was a great case for your coaster. Scenery was nearly flawless (aside from that little mishap with the station flooring, which I didn't really take into much consideration). The timing was great and I loved the interaction. Some thought that your entry lacked enough interaction but to me it was the quality of the interactions that was so impressive, which is why you got a perfect score in that category. I truly had no idea who would win (Classic or Current) until the end which was great. That little bit at the start with the double up before the lift hill for Classic was kinda sloppy but again, not too big of a deal. Perhaps a bit too much straight track but it was used in the right places. I can tell you have a lot of experience with RCT3 and it really showed here. Glad to have you as a new member to our community and hope to see more awesome stuff out of you. Oh, and for user ratings, well, it was really a toss-up on whether you or Colossus would win it, I think people just weren't all fans of your distinctly unique style (I like it though

And our winner...
COLOSSUS!!! With a score of
When I saw that first picture in your entry, I knew it was going to be hard to top. Such an epic shot for an equally epic coaster. Great presentation! Professional looking, stellar layouts, and fantastic interaction. Fun from beginning to end. I really liked the usage of those canals. It gave me more of a rush and was just a really fun setting. I think my favorite part was actually the bit where Hercules peels off to the right and then comes right back to meet up with Hades. The little hops before/after the vertical loops was a bit sketchy but alright. To be honest, I was wondering how you were gonna bring them together at first but as they went on the interaction became more more dominant and was well done. I liked the indoor wasn't realistic at all but cool that you could see the other trains from either ride. I think that would be an awesome element in real life (kinda like your own variation of the "high-five" element). The layouts were very complex and I don't think I could have asked for more from them. Amazing job and definitely deserving of first place. I'd like to note, in my personal ratings I only had you edging portemine by .5 points out of 60 which meant the decision would essentially come down to the riders. That being said, I am glad to see that there was general consensus that yours was best. The naming, as was mentioned by someone, was a little mythologically off as neither are titans but I really didn't care. My one downside of an otherwise nice presentation was that friggin' music. Don't get me wrong, I loved it for a period of time but I realize how overused it is now. Regardless, it was fitting for the theme you went with and obviously everyone else liked it, haha. You pulled off a tight win but tremendous nonetheless. Brilliant work mate! :-D
The good news, everyone got a passing grade! No "D's" from my students...haha, on no, I am waaay too much in school mode. Anyway, if any of you want to come to my office hours (oh God, I'm doing it again)...I mean, if anyone wants the specific scores to see where they got high marks and where they can do better, reply below or shoot me a PM. Glad to see that this competition was such a success and I would love to host another sometime if you all would approve.