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Derek's Dueling Coaster Comp

Started again on a new design. It's still two Extended Coaster but this time it's not sub-terrain. The layout is more humble. It uses a lift-hill to start and the height isn't that high. It's a very low-laying coaster.
I'm concerned I've used too many inversions, but with an Extended Coaster it's hard not to use them.

The quality of the layout is much better. There is less cheap parallel mirroring from my first concept and more variance between the two tracks. The interaction elements are more exciting and clearer.

I'll post screen shots when I've sorted the landscaping and scenery. I'm debating whether to situate the layout in a lake or not. Who knows, if I'm sincerely happy with the outcome I might post a PoV video. As the ride time is short (under 1min) recording a PoV will be less painful.

I still need names though...
I have. I even edited my first post to make it clear.

I even said
scw55 said:
Started again on a new design.

I now have a tough decision between a simple duelling reverse incline (boomerang) coaster or my previous stated design.

I apologise for being eager to share what I've been up to.
THIS is my one and only entry:

Overview video: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oxxPQffy6Y[/youtube]


http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N04/6868906877/ Overview
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N04/6868907975/ Lift hill
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream First inversion
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream Subtle difference in the inversion exists
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream Tangent inversion
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream Duelling corkscrews
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream Synchronised Corkscrew
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream Face Scraper
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream Through the eye of a Needle
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream Synchronised barrel roll with subtle elevation modification (hint, I threw in some twists)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/21289101@N ... hotostream Final parallel inversion.

I'll upload a POV video hopefully when I have time.
Hopefully none of you forgot about this competition. Just thought I would point out that the deadline is less than a week away (Feb. 26) so I hope that the others of you who were in will submit an entry. If for some reason you don't think you'll have enough time just let me know and I'll see what I can do. The entries so far are great but I'd love to see more. Also, what do you guys think of this being a comp that is just judged by me? Or would you rather put it to a vote?
Yeah I have been working on mine quietly, taking forever because there's so much going on, but I`am about 90% done, Ill be done within the time limit, it`l be in Saturday at some point because I have to work stupid late on Sunday. Yeah I`am down for you judging, I trust your judgement 110%.
Well thanks. And I know that you will submit a very high quality entry. I'm excited to see how it chalks up against everyone else's. Don't be surprised if I hold you to a bit of a higher standard (not to say it will affect your grade from me, just that I will probably be more nit-picky in my review of yours)
I don't mind how it's judged. Both systems have its flaws. Democracy produced bush for 3 terms. Solo judge you won't help but be biased on a subconscious level (When I browse DeviantART, the art work I favourite the most are of animals because that's what my art work will be). You might subconsciously feel more inclined to pick an entry that is similar to your way of creating on RCT3.
Going back to the voting suggestion, if there's more than two entries, it is likely that the entrant who wins is the one which actually isn't most popular.
Hopefully I'll post POV videos soon, but I am unwell atm and don't have the patience to baby sit my computer for two hour recording sessions (I don't have video editing knowledge/software so I can't just leave it running all day and have a video have 2.5863 laps).
reddude333 said:
Well thanks. And I know that you will submit a very high quality entry. I'm excited to see how it chalks up against everyone else's. Don't be surprised if I hold you to a bit of a higher standard (not to say it will affect your grade from me, just that I will probably be more nit-picky in my review of yours)

That`s fine by me buddy, If anything its a complement lol
Hello (again) ! I only heard about this contest yesterday and I'm now rushing through my own entry :

In a super-quick brainstorming, I was looking for a radical idea. Battlestar Galactica came to mind but I wanted both coasters to have inversions. Then I thought : given the goal is to create a great duelling, why not stretching the opposition to the max and antagonise two different manufacturers making two different coasters type ?

That's how Compromise started. Mixing an Arrow looper with a B&M inverted... And by the way, I really like it's name, since it illustrates the struggle to get a double coaster like this one. More info later on !
That`s a nice idea with regards to using two types of coaster, a sit down and an inverted, I was going to try something similar, but with the same manufacturer, but didn't in the end.
Compromise is an interesting name, but what the two coasters individual names?
I haven't settled on a definitive name yet. My current idea is to title the inverted "Compromise - Modern" and thus, naming the Arrow "Compromise - Classic" . In fact, I was already planning the double POV and came up with the idea of setting the same tune for both coasters but with the original version for Classic, and a more recent remix for Modern

EDIT : B&M one to be named "Compromise - Current" !
This way both have a name starting with "C", I'm happy :)
Cool, I really like your music idea, that should add a nice touch.

Welcome to CoasterForce by the way and welcome to our little RCT3 corner of the forum.

EDIT, I though as everybody else is doing the same, that I would post a teaser shot of my creation. :--D

Your own project looks very nice ! Almost seems like it's done on No Limits.

Compromise layout is complete. Both coasters are about 35m high and contain 6 inversions each, including the zero-g seen in the trailer.

I can't help but posting another pic :)
Fancy Batman and Robin : The Chiller ?

This is exciting! I'm glad to see there are going to be a few more entries. And of course, welcome to CoasterForce portemine! I have toyed with a similar idea before (the different manufacturer idea). Mine was actually two non-inverting coasters. My design was an intermingling of a wooden twister and a giga coaster. It turned out alright but I haven't taken the time to theme them at all [twas more of a concept design]. I am very interested in seeing how yours turns out though...if executed well, it could be quite impressive. Just be careful though. I am a bit of a stickler when it comes to terrain.

@Mouse: Very sorry to hear of your loss. I always like to see what you have to contribute.

@scw55: You make good points, but keep in mind, there are plenty of places within this forum where you can find examples of works that I find appealing. I will not judge based on which is similar to my style but rather my standards for a quality entry (eg.: smooth track, appropriate use of scenery, ability to manipulate terrain etc.). I in no way wish to discourage the submittal of highly unique or abstract designs as they may stand out more to me which could give that person an edge.

So here is my decision on the matter of judging for this competition:

I will be taking from Snoo's model in the NL contests. The judging will consist of two grades: my personal score for the entry (weighted ~80%) and a score based on other member's ratings (weighted ~20%). This way there will be an aspect of both styles of judging.
Here is an update on my progress. Compromise went beyond my expectations and did become more radical than I could have expected. And this is precisely my concern : this project is getting extremely time-consuming. Plus, the game occasionally crashes, more often than not lags when anti-aliasing is set to max.

Thus, I could be posting a POV of my Duelling in an incomplete shape, since I have not much time left and not a PC powerful enough to highlight the full scale of Compromise...

reddude333 : It happens that I'm paying much attention to terrain, too ! Actually, the terrain will play a key role in my creation's theming (another time-consuming factor), and although I massively utilized different ground elevation in previous projects, I never dared a work similar to Compromise.

By the way, reading the whole discussion on this contest, I'd like to voice my own approach on Custom Scenery. I don't fancy coasters with an exclusively-CS theme, though some of them are damn gorgeous. But as many of you think, I believe some of them are really helpful, as the custom supports. I usually mix custom and original sceneries, and in fact, CS often show the original sceneries in a different, better fashion.

An example of my personal style with my latest ride before retirement back in 2008, the shoot-the-chute Skjebnes :


As you can see, I used many, many different themes in one picture. I almost always use Klinn's Framework and JCat's Steelworx beside original scenery buildings, and HGR71 as a floor (or ceiling ^^).

That's all for me right now, hope I'd be able to muster something on Saturday !
^Skjebnes was yours? I remember seeing that ages ago, somewhere in these forums I think. It was quite a flume, right?

Anyway, this looks rather great! Can't wait to see more from you!
Judging by some of the stuff you have been posting in updates and otherwise I am getting pretty excited to see what you will come up with. As for CS, I agree with most of what you have to say although I sympathize with the purists out there as I was one up until recently. The reason I have come to enjoy the use of CS so much lately is that I have come to realize how much it has allowed a game that came out many years ago stay current and maintain some aspects of realism. And like I was saying, if you have some issue with the deadline you can always shoot me a PM or post here and I may add an extension.