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Coasterforce Quiz!!!


Giga Poster
4/10 today :lol: , bit of a joke that quiz. Should be listed as cookery with the amount of questions about spices.


Staff member
Social Media Team
5/10 on General Knowledge Harder. Not bad....I knew a few, guessed the rest.


Staff member
Social Media Team
Ah crap. In first place right now, but no way it's good enough for a win today. I have to remember how out of date some of these questions are. Stupid me for actually knowing the right answer now.


Giga Poster
8/10 today and same time as Loefet. Got one of those stupid questions at the end about the quiz, which is hard to know the right answer for. :shock:


Hyper Poster
Quite pleased with that as the 2 I got wrong were guess's and the others I knew, not bad for me in a harder catagory. :--D


CF Legend
I got 6/10 today which currently puts me in 13th place which is funny because one of thequestions I had was about the fear of the number 13. :lol:
Eight and second place! A few were guesses but there were a lot I knew. I can't see why nobody got ten so far, to be honest. Could be because Gavin and Furie haven't played though.

So yeea, eight. What was with the last question though?


CF Legend
Got 8 today, quite happy with that score actually. Although one of them that I got wrong I had changed from the correct answer, bern.
[wquote]9/10 & 3rd place, only one I didn't get was the colour of a minor cartoon character[/quote]

Uhh, how could you not know the colour of Eeyore? I thought everyone on this planet knew the Winnie the Pooh characters!


Mega Poster
I would have got 10 today, if it weren't for the bizarre last question about how to get a question in the quiz changed... or something. I don't know if it was meant to be funny, it was just a bit irritating really! Oh well, still in the lead!