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Cheetah Hunt- Intamin for Busch Gardens Tampa


Mega Poster
Well now we know that all of those strange looking supports were not just for the tower section but also some of them are for the first turn. I wonder if we will see anymore unusual supports go up for this ride. Have to say though that first turn is going to really look awesome :D


Giga Poster



Turn 1 done.


Giga Poster
That looks great! :--D

One question though, maybe UC or someone knows the answer to this... why did they switch from box track to bi track as the track enters the tunnel? Wouldn't the forces be about the same as it's still turning and the speed is greater?


Staff member
If it's ground hugging, then maybe they can add more supports along. "In the air" the track takes some of the forces as high supports cost more than box track?

Or maybe the forces as it swoops are lessened as the train is going more vertical (or so it looks from the picture)? As it dives, the forces shift to more linear and "positive" from lateral?

Just guessing really :lol:


Mega Poster
It is most likely a cost factor. The entire tunnel area is concrete so footers don't have to be dug separately and can really be incorporated right into the tunnel anywhere. They are using lots of shorter I-beam style supports (read cheaper) and Bi-rail is far cheaper to produce. So because they can place alot of smaller supports and Bi-Rail track in the tunnel for a cheaper price than placing fewer larger supports with tri (or even quad) rail they choose the bi-rail and lots of supports route.


Slut for Spinners
bob_3_ said:
Oh wow, that's bizzare supporting..


Although when there's a building in the way, there's not much you can do about it. They look pretty cool though.


CF Legend
I quite like the supporting. The strangest supporting of all is yet to come though isn't it, on that figure of 8 element.

I think it's safe to say we're going to have a new trend in people making these types of supports in Nl now?

Uncle Arly

Strata Poster
-lofty- said:
I quite like the supporting. The strangest supporting of all is yet to come though isn't it, on that figure of 8 element.

I think it's safe to say we're going to have a new trend in people making these types of supports in Nl now?

Paha! I was about to open NL and try it!


Strata Poster
I personally think those supports look super sexy <3 They just look too awesome to be true. I'm becoming more and more intrigued about this coaster now.


Strata Poster
Uncle Arly said:
-lofty- said:
I quite like the supporting. The strangest supporting of all is yet to come though isn't it, on that figure of 8 element.

I think it's safe to say we're going to have a new trend in people making these types of supports in Nl now?

Paha! I was about to open NL and try it!

I've built stuff like that before. Mostly I do it because there is objects or track below that mandate funky looking supports. The turn over the building is something I would do.


The Legend
ciallkennett said:
I personally think those supports look super sexy <3 They just look too awesome to be true. I'm becoming more and more intrigued about this coaster now.

Agreed. <3

Martyn B

CF Legend
-lofty- said:
I think that supporting is pretty nice. It fits in with the theme of Africa too.

Yeah I like them, the look kind of takes them away being coaster supports. Nice.


CF Legend
Does anyone else not think the tower looks a bit pants? I can just imagine meandering round, losing the rush of the launch. It makes me think of that loathesome helix before the drop on Daemonen.


CF Legend
It is slightly a bit pointless yeah. I doubt it even riding that well, or you feeling anything on top of the tower.