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Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

Who ever said it had to go in the back of the park?

The front of the park where Demon Drop is coming out is a good spot. If CP does it right, it could fit a coaster the size of El Toro in that general location:


But, even a coaster the size of Balder would even fit:


But its a matter of if Cedar Point wants to go into the parking lot and onto the beach, like Wicked Twister and Disaster Transport.
^ Oh.. Toro takes up a smaller footprint than I imagined, but I doubt they would go onto the beach because it's hard building with the sand and stuff. But yah if they had a similar layout and kinda shimmied it around a bit I'm sure it can fit.
Oh how I love this topic! :lol:
In a way I'm glad the season is over just so I can peek in here on a more regular basis.
Justin, I love the images, but let's face it - DT will have to come down if they're going to fit a Intamin PnP in there. With the recent success of woodies like TStR, Evel & Prowler, it would make much more sense for CP to go that route. That being said, CP's motto is bigger=better so you never know. Somehow I get the feeling that they just wouldn't be satisfied with your average GCI or GG woodie. They would need something more grandiose.
^Well you know that's how CP is. For them it's almost always: Go big or go home y'know? I do think a GCI or GG would go great there in the front of the park but with Cedar Point you can never tell what they're gonna do.
The thing with Cedar point is .............. If they put in a GCI like Prowler or Evil Kineviel I'll put it on my "eh Ill try em when I get back to cedar point in a few years".

If they put in an Intamin P + P, Im scheduling my trip ASAP and figuring out how much money I need to save. Cedar Point is more known for doing the rediculous eye popping thing than the "just like every other park" thing
After riding EK and hearing the reviews of Prowler, you might want to schedule that trip a bit earlier. EK was really superb and I imagine Prowler will deliver much of the same.

While Intamin PnP's are delicious, I don't think CP would go with it simply because of the nature of the ride. Extreme airtime has never been CP's deal.. as you look at the rides with airtime they have installed since Kinzel has joined up... Magnum and.. Maverick.
Didn't Kinzel explicitly state he was not interested in an Intamin PnP? Given Cedar Fair's track record, I'd imagine a GCI is more realistic.

I don't think Cedar Point is looking to expand (too much) into the parking lot. The spots Justin's hypotheses has overlap with are employee spots, and are the most valuable parking spots in the entire lot. Cedar Point would not be so quick to eliminate them.
coasterboy said:

Well, here goes for another topic involving Aquatrax's. As usual...
I know ever since Maverick opened there have been so many rumors on CP's next ride... Would it be in 2008, 2009, 2010, etc. I never really expected anything each year, if anything just a spinning coaster or some other family coaster, but I really think 2011 is an exciting year for CP...

My first choice is a GCI, and knowing CP they'd go all-out (ride-wise...not theming ;)) but we'll see. Now it's time to sit back and watch everyone go crazy with speculation all summer.
We'll see where it could go.. as there is no room left. I wouldn't say they are 'due' as just because that trend lasted for half a decade doesn't mean it will continue. And that isn't even counting the economy.
This past weekend, Pat and I were talking about how cool it would be to have a fast launched coaster circling most or all of the park. It wouldn't have to go very high, but it would be a neat experience and probably wouldn't take up too much room.
The thing about that is a coaster such as that would ruin some aspects of some parts of the park. Whatever 'atmosphere' that exists could be destroyed.. and that's not counting the fact that CP has 3 launched coasters already.
OK, I've got to chime in here. Justin, while your overlay was impressive, you're eliminating a significant portion of the parking lot! That will never happen, while I do agree that there is plenty of space within the park for a woodie and it would be a GREAT addition. CP does watch MM so there isn't a chance in hell DT is going to be removed, especially with the new themeing added last year, and it's a great place to beat the Summer heat.

Coasters are thrilling and one is overdue. I think you can take it to the bank a new coaster will be added in 2011.

My money is on a ZacSpin. It would fit perfectly in the DD space, and is cost effective, given CF's debt. I know their capacity is low, so I would think they would install the very largest stock ZacSpin or custom design one that is even larger to achieve 1,000 PPH. I also think it would be stunning being in the front of the park.

Personally, I would prefer a PnP, but Knizel did say he would never get one. A woodie or the worlds fastest (Steel) could be possible though using the DD space. I think either of these could run down the side of the parking lot and then either return back (woodie) or go over the entrance and circle the parking lot (fastest).

As much as I'd personally prefer something else, given there are no ZacSpins in North America, and it could easily be the world's largest fitting into the existing DD spot - I think it's going to be a ZacSpin, for what it's worth.
I remember watching a program called "How do they do it?" and it was at the Point. They briefly mentioned a vertical spinning type ride (much like a ZacSpin) and there were plans in the background.

Really we want to match or beat Demons through-put, however many people-per-hour it took...

CP seem to have a good relationship with Intamin...

I'd actually say thats quite a plausable ride choice, though personally I'd prefer anything but one of those little things.
I saw and remember that show too, and yes, it was a drawing of a ZacSpin on the wall behind the CP spokesperson.

I'm with ya on not getting too pumped about one, but this is CP, and would guess if they do install one, it will be large, impressive, and break more than a few world records, which is what they are known for.
That spot could definitely use a ZacSpin, even if the 'OMG CAPACITY' issues are ignored. Of course, at this point, that doesn't even matter tbh. When you look at the smaller rides in the park, they do just fine. I'm quite sure they don't need another 1500pph ride simply to eat up more people.