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  1. M

    Fårup My Frikadella Trip Reports!

    I'd just like to give my thanks to Slayed, the drivers, navigators and everyone who went. Nice reports and pics so far people, keep 'em coming. I will be doing my trip reports later when I can be arsed to do them. On-Ride videos now I think. Piraten...
  2. M

    Which is better Saw or Fluch von Novgorod?

    Novgorod by a long, long way. Can't wait to see it finished.
  3. M

    Fårup My Frikadella Trip Reports!

    I just thought I'd come in behind and echo what Leighton said :P And we're standing in the hotel typing with a countdown :D
  4. M

    English Football 2009/2010 Season

    I wasn't angry about losing Robbie, because his tactics were odd, most of the time. It was about finding a manager in time for the new season and other ****e. At least we have Incey back which means we won't just sit on 1-0 leads or time waste :D Who will be manager by the 2010/11 season? :lol...
  5. M

    RCT3 Help, Information and Requests

    Spiffing idea. I'll see where my mind takes me, I've got too much time on my hands, so should be fun :roll:
  6. M

    RCT3 Help, Information and Requests

    I'd happily set one up. Although I don't think I'd qualify as Official.
  7. M

    English Football 2009/2010 Season

    Arrrgghhhh wtf!?! ****ing West Brom. Looks like We'll be looking for another new manager :evil: Eugh, I am now annoyed.
  8. M

    English Football 2009/2010 Season

    Unfortunately, it's David. I'm sure you could come to the Carlisle away game, if you're up for a near 6 hour journey for you. And you'd be on your own (I'm not doing that trip again) :) I need a list of the away games I wanna go to. And I should finally make every home game this year...
  9. M

    English Football 2009/2010 Season

    LMFAO, you're disappointed at losing Mark Wright :lol: He was a waste of space. And we only have one player who has a contract that runs out this year, Swailes. And he's been offered a 6 month contract just like Paul Mitchell because he's coming back from a long term injury. And anyway...
  10. M

    English Football 2009/2010 Season

    Starts off with Hartlepool at home. Followed by two "exciting" matches against Swindon. Visiting the real St James' Park at Exeter on the 29th August should be fun :D September looks tough with Leeds and Naarrrich at home. Re-visiting St. Mary's shall be enjoyable, as shall Charlton and...
  11. M

    Thirteen, Intamin ''psychoaster'' - Alton Towers 2010

    Slash, that was great. Made me lol. Oh and nice boxers :P
  12. M

    Colossus Headbang

    Colossucks is awful, and I'm at 4ft nothing, so yeah.
  13. M

    English Football 2008/2009 Season

    Oh well, some positives this season. ... he-players We have 2 players in the League One team of the year, so hooray.
  14. M

    English Football 2008/2009 Season

    Yippee League One next season :( Foobing awful performance today from the Dons. Oh well, I'm super pissed off with the timing of the Wembley final as well, because IF we get there, I will be on holiday :( Que sera sera.
  15. M

    What coaster would you ride all day?

    Silver Star, not because I enjoy it, but because the restraints are so lovely. And I think I could fall asleep on it, which would come in handy if I have to ride it all day.
  16. M

    What Song Was At Number 1 (UK) when you were born?

    This seeing as I was born 4 days before you.
  17. M

    Alton Towers 2009

    I've noticed it aswell. Me, Peter and Brad were still noticing it standing right next to Spinball. Lovely noise though. Also about the hassle, I only ever get it from the games people, but I get it everywhere, so I'm used to it.
  18. M

    Thorpe 18/4

    Had a cracking day, sorry for loosing you like half way through the day aswell :lol: Ride count: Stealth x 5 (1 x Front) Inferno x 3 Det x 3 SAW x 2 Rocky Express x 2 Slammer x 1 Colossucks x 1 Loggers Leap x 1 Rumba Rapids x 1 Flying Fish x 1 X:/WTF x 1 Quantum x 1 And I think...
  19. M

    CoasterCounter Users: Times Upside Down?

    I worked it out at 1562. Excluding dodgy ones like air.
  20. M

    CoasterCounter Users: Times Upside Down?

    Well my coaster counter is fooked currently. So I take it you work it out by the coaster you've done multiplied by your ride count on it. If that is so, 460 times inverted on Nemesis :) I'll work the rest out later :)