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CoasterCounter Users: Times Upside Down?


Mega Poster
If you are a coastercounter or anything similar to it user, it tells you in your stats how many times you've been upside, down. My coastercounter is regularly and thoroughly updated, and says I have been upside down on a coaster 1201 times, and now you?
Well my coaster counter is fooked currently. So I take it you work it out by the coaster you've done multiplied by your ride count on it. If that is so, 460 times inverted on Nemesis :) I'll work the rest out later :)
To be honest, it's probably because I have put in total times I have ridden each coaster, I know how sad that is :oops: and I been on Colossus like 10 times and that's 100 already.
233 inversions.. but I don't keep track of individual rides.. it is at least 4-5 times that many.
Martyn H said:
Well my coaster counter is fooked currently. So I take it you work it out by the coaster you've done multiplied by your ride count on it. If that is so, 460 times inverted on Nemesis :) I'll work the rest out later :)
You just have to keep your ride count updated & clicky on Stats then clicky on Fun Statistics. Your total inversions is the first stat listed.

I'm up to 3887, so I guess I should hit 4000 before the 2009 season is over. :shock:

And Tim says that version 2.0 is going to release this weekend, so I'll finally get to change my username to EastCoasterGeneral. :)
Mines says 2193, but, I'm dubious of that since I just went through and added all of America, and all the times I rode stuff there, and the difference it added was about 150 inversions...
Mine says 298 times, but I haven't bothered to add the amount of times I have ridden each coaster, so the total sum would be so much more.
Ben said:
Mines says 2193, but, I'm dubious of that since I just went through and added all of America, and all the times I rode stuff there, and the difference it added was about 150 inversions...
That doesn't sound right Ben. Even if you only rode each coaster once you would have more than 150 inversions & I'm sure you rode many loopers more than once didn't you?
110 inversions, and I've fallen just under a mile!
Nine times upside down.

Can't remember how many times I've ridden SpeedMonster, so I think that number should be doubled, if not more.
2031 times upside down.

What I want to know is if there are 'significant events' higher than Mt. Everest or Longer than the PA Turnpike. I've been looking at those for a LOOOOOONG time now.
I was wondering what yours would be Chris. I didn't think it would be more than mine since you usually only ride a coaster once & move on to the next count, plus you ride all those non-inverting kiddie coasters. :p
You can't go by coaster counters speed, height, drop or length measurements as they leave out that data for so many of the coasters. Just look through your list and see how many coasters are missing the speed, height, drop or length & you'll know what I mean. If Tim had all that data listed, then he could probably use Distance to the Moon in 'significant events' for your count. :wink:
At least he seems to have all the inversions listed.
According to CC

My inversion count is: 2975(2975 Steel and 0 Wood)

Although I used estimations for all my SFGAm rides, and I rode the original S.O.B. twice
I can finally get into coastercount again, new version will be online this weekend.

1464(1464 Steel and 0 Wood)

Its probably be more but can not remember the number of rides on them all.

M_Force_4_ever cheers for your help.