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Alton Towers 2009

Martyn B

CF Legend
For 2008, I was unable to visit many parks unfortunatly, and Alton was one of them I was unable to visit.

So I hadn't been since October 2007, untill last Tuesday when I finally go to go back!

Not much had changed to be honest, but I have a few little things I'd like to comment on:

- The Monorail trains now look fantasitc with their individual themes. Top job Alton.

- The new Sky ride cars are much nicer too, if a little unreliable.

- Mutinuy Bay is well themed, though the Flume now sticks out even more. And I was slightly surprised at how small Battle Galleons was.

- The new restraunt in Katagna Caynon is fantastic. £6.95 for an all you can eat AND drink isn't just good value for a theme park, thats good value for a high street. The food is delicious too. Two bigs thumbs up from me. This is the first time I have properly enjoyed a parks own brand restraunt. They're normall over priced and disgusting, but this is top draw!

Now on to my biggest problem with Alton. The hassling. This happened ALL DAY. And it wasn't just the normal hassling to play games.

- We were hassled a few times to have our photo taken.

- Some staff tried to tempt us into souvineer shops.

- Also hassled a few times into buying food!?! Which totally shocked me to be honest.

- And lastly, when leaving the park, we were stopped and had some bloke trying to persuade us to buy the cheaper tickets to come back during the year.

I dont no if its just me, but I hate getting hassled, it really annoys me. I no its not the staff's fault, they're just doing their job, but I was gettin so annoyed.

In saying all that though, it was nice to get back to Alton. :D
I went on saturday and yesterday and i didnt get hassled at all :shock:

I do agree with you on the new skyride but some of the monorail trains are just stupid
Well I guess you were lucky, or I was just unlucky!?

Something I forgot to mention, is it just me, or is Nemesis now making an incredible roar as the train thunders through the layout? It always used to make lots of noise. but it just seems a hell of a lot louder now.
It's probably it's stomach rumbling as it's hungry and waiting for you to ride it so it can eat you. :p

*sexual references intended*
If you want hasseling go to China!

Back on topic, i've been hasseled a few times, but nothing drastic. I love the new skyride, plus I think the moonorail design is pretty funky :D.

There have been some complaints to the local council about Nemesis increased noise. Its great for rollercoaster fans, but the locals are getting angry again. I would go to the park soon to ride it before they lessen the noise.
I remember during Scarefest you could here is at the lake, the towers and even further, I didn't go through Mutiny Bay more than once the whole day so don't remember hearing it there.
If it's even louder now I better get down there to hear it.
They probably just have to change the wheels or something to sort it out.
And I was slightly surprised at how small Battle Galleons was.
The only reason Battle Galleons is so small is that Alton Towers don't own the larger lake next to it so they had to be very careful with where they built it.
And, I too have noticed that Nemesis has started getting very loud, sound's beautiful though. And I really like the monorail trains and the new skyride ones too, but last time I went we saw 4 red skyride cars in a row, not meaning to be picky but it would probably be nicer if they spreaded the colours out a bit more equally. Also, I have been going to Alton Towers for years quite frequently and the only hassle I ever get is the occasional "3 balls for a pound, win a cuddly toy!" kind of stuff you get at every park.
The Battle Galleons are the right length I think. Any longer and it would get boring and you're already soaked to the skin by that time so anymore would of probably have been over the top.
I love the ride though. :p
Martyn B said:
Something I forgot to mention, is it just me, or is Nemesis now making an incredible roar as the train thunders through the layout? It always used to make lots of noise. but it just seems a hell of a lot louder now.
I've noticed it aswell. Me, Peter and Brad were still noticing it standing right next to Spinball. Lovely noise though.

Also about the hassle, I only ever get it from the games people, but I get it everywhere, so I'm used to it.
Martyn B said:
Something I forgot to mention, is it just me, or is Nemesis now making an incredible roar as the train thunders through the layout? It always used to make lots of noise. but it just seems a hell of a lot louder now.

Nemesis is louder due to a new set of tyres on the ride and as always with Alton Towers, the local residents are not pleased:

BBC News said:
Residents of a Staffordshire village are complaining about loud noises coming from the Nemesis ride at Alton Towers theme park. Staffordshire Moorlands District Council received 20 complaints this week from Alton residents who were upset about the noise. Villagers said the sound could be heard from their homes. Alton Towers said the noise was caused by new tyres on the ride and they were trying to stop the problem.

Will the tyres "wear in" and get quieter? Or will Alton have to sort themselves out with yet more new ones?

I'm there tomorrow :D
I was there a few days ago,,, and i couldnt really hear a difference in Nemesis,,, although,, some say i am deaf :p

And i like the monorail paint jobs, but the ones with strawberries on, i mean, what were they thinking when they did that ? :p

But still,, i love going to Alton whenever possible!
Yesterday I went and I didnt get hassled the roar of Nemesis was great I couldnt hear it at spinball but it was sooo loud
Actually I found Spinball to be louder than Nemesis, I could hear it from a long way off.