Spent ages last week getting all gooned up and putting stuff into a spreadsheet. I just exported from Coaster-Count, which was decent enough but a pain for the actual ride order for anything pre-2009 since that's when I first used it, adding loads of stuff without dates. Still working on putting the right year to a bunch of stuff. I've kept it fairly simple, just with coaster name, park, manufacturer and year ridden (still working through a bunch of that last one). I also took out stuff that I've checked on there, but don't count as creds (bobcarts for example). Anyway, here's my top 20 manufacturers. Well, 19 I guess since there a lot of "Unknowns" in there:
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PTC is probably out a bit since I ended up listing stuff with them where they were the only company listed and might have just built trains or something. Anyway.