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You know you're CF-ing it too much when...


Mountain monkey
Staff member
...When you have mutiple accounts for multiple voting
...When you warn others about arguing with UC.
...When you start using abbreviations for all the members' and coasters names
...When you know which member who go to which parks, and when
...When you know the top 10 list of several members
...When you make excuses for leaving family parties early, just so that you can check the forums.
...When you can draw the CF logo perfectly while blindfolded
...When you start to link bad grammar to zero knowledge about coasters (noobs)
...When you send more PMs than mail
...When more than two thirds of your MSN contacs are CF-ers, and you know them only from CF
...When you know more about British culture than your own (for non-British members)


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
...When more than two thirds of your MSN contacs are CF-ers, and you know them only from CF
What about all of your MSN contacts, as well as the reason you have MSN Messenger in the first place!



Hyper Poster
.. when you are supposed to be doing work but cant be ****ed, but has nothing else to do, so you sit on the forums and refresh every 2mins because you are BORED!


Strata Poster
Mat said:
.. when you are supposed to be doing work but cant be ****, but has nothing else to do, so you sit on the forums and refresh every 2mins because you are BORED!

...when you're doing it right now.



The Legend
Steven said:
UncleArly said:
Error said:
Mat said:
.. when you are supposed to be doing work but cant be , but has nothing else to do, so you sit on the forums and refresh every 2mins because you are BORED!

...when you're doing it right now.


When you love quoting quotes.....

When you love quote tunnles

When you hate quoting tunnels because people can't spell them and because they are annoying.


Strata Poster
When you become the site deush :D

Or, when you spend hours looking for a company to get into contact with.