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Worst coasters you've ridden (Bottom 5/10)

No particular order:

1. Temple of the Nighthawk - Phantasialand
This ride was so nauseating. It just endlessly meanders, and when I ride it the building was super hot with no air flow. I felt ghastly afterwards.

2. Manta - Sea World Orlando
That pretzel loop felt horrible on my head and did not agree with me at all.

3. Gwazi (original) - Busch Gardens Tampa
Ouch. It hurt.

4. EuroMir - Europa Park
I know this is a very popular ride amongst enthusiasts, but I felt it was way too intense when facing backwards, to the extent it was unpleasant.

5. Big Loop - Heide Park
This was a series of rough inversions with seemingly nothing of interest in between. No thanks.
Not in any particular order, just a few examples of stuff I hated:

Time Warp / any Volare.
Only ridden the one at Canada's Wonderland. Despite a couple of opportunities to get a couple more for the count, I've never ridden another since and never will. Disgusting.

Insane / any Zacspin.
As above.

Hurricane, Fun Spot Atlanta. Looks and rides like a homemade backyard coaster.

SLC's are bad. The worst one I've ridden is the one at Walibi Holland, but they all kinda suck.

Old school boomerangs are bad,. The worst one I've ridden is the one at Six Flags St Louis, but they all kinda suck.

Various old, crappy Arrows. Dragon Fyre at Canada's Wonderland, Demon at California's Great America, Anaconda at Kings Dominion. All bad.

Various old, crappy woodies. Nash at Blackpool, Hurler at Carowinds, Wild Thing at Six Flags America, Coney Island Cyclone etc...
One notable exclusion though - Bandit at Movie Park Germany. That one is so bad it's... actually kinda brilliant.
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No particular order:

Volares - torture chambers
Hades 360 - organ grinder
Furius Baco - brain haemorrhage
Pinfari Zyklon Loopers - neck snappers
Condor, Limit, F2 Fright Flight, T3 - The bad SLCs
Blizzard, Festival Land - 22mph of ****e
Kingda Ka - 128mph of ****e
Excluding most of my fairground kiddy creds (they are what they are but not horrid), here's a rough bottom five;
  • Flight Deck, Canada's Wonderland - Baaadddd SLC
  • Tibidabo Express - VR seemed so much better than the North American quality, that is until my headset died 5 seconds after leaving the station. With nothing to distract, the coaster was incredibly shaky, tracked poorly, and layout was nonsensical and unengaging. My companions (working headsets and all) enjoyed it though?
  • Thunderbolt, Luna Park NYC - Trains are horrible, tracking and profiling is horrible, somehow did the impossible happen and made hangtime painful. Ejector and some parts of the layout were cool though, just hard to enjoy. I speed ran Coney Island in 2019 and only had time for this and Cyclone, wish I'd allocated time for the Volare instead.
  • Frankie's Mine Train, Six Flags Great Escape - I feel bad harping on this particular ride since I was waived the child requirement by management themselves and haven't ridden other Zamperla Gravity Coasters, but it was extremely shaky and the last turn is unnecessarily painful. I don't think there's any other coaster where a single element can ruin the entire thing.
  • American Flyer, Dominican Republic fair circuit - Random ass B&A Schiff that is rented out to events with a few smaller rides in poor condition. Pretty sure it got a repaint right after my encounter but sheesh. Coughed up less than $2 at a rust bucket ticket box for 10 laps, went off to find someone to open the ride for me. Dude turned it on, didn't test anything, secured my lap bar only, and dispatched with everything moving around. I'd found loose screws and piss poor rail alignments where edges jutted out from each other, not sure why I still even boarded. It was absurdly clanky and gave me a migraine for the evening. But credit achieved, I guess?
Flight Deck - Canada’s Wonderland
Wilde Beast - Canada’s Wonderland
Insane - Grona Lund
The Joker - Six Flags Great Adventure
G-Force - Drayton Manor
I haven't been to that many parks so I will keep it to just one coaster.

I generally find something positive in most coasters, or if not I can tolerate them to ride them once and move onto something else without regretting my decision to ride that coaster too much. But my award for the worst coaster that I have ever ridden and in fact wish I had never ridden goes to Tonnere 2 Zeus.

My god that coaster is awfully rough. Does it have square wheels or something? Every valley was an almighty pothole and it had a continuous rattle that I thought was going to damage my teeth. I spent half the ride just wanting it to be over. I am generally pretty tolerant about roughness and I get that it is a wooden coaster but the ride I had actually felt like there was something dangerously wrong with the track or train.
I realise they're meant for children blabla - but is there anything (other than Coaster Express) worse than a mini SBF spinner?
I've had the misfortune of riding one hungover, but even when I'm not, the result is very much the same.
There are few rollercoasters (or rides) that I would not happily endure however rough or disliked they may be perceived by others, however:

Grand National (Left) is one of the only rides I've come off and truly considered if I was cut out for rollercoasters. The second was:
Grand National (Right)

After riding the left side, my spine sore, my head feeling like a chiropractor had tried removing it, I pondered for a solid 5-10minutes if I would brave the right side. My mistake was looking for the +1.

I will not ride this monstrosity again.