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Worst coasters you've ridden (Bottom 5/10)

No particular order:

1. Temple of the Nighthawk - Phantasialand
This ride was so nauseating. It just endlessly meanders, and when I ride it the building was super hot with no air flow. I felt ghastly afterwards.

2. Manta - Sea World Orlando
That pretzel loop felt horrible on my head and did not agree with me at all.

3. Gwazi (original) - Busch Gardens Tampa
Ouch. It hurt.

4. EuroMir - Europa Park
I know this is a very popular ride amongst enthusiasts, but I felt it was way too intense when facing backwards, to the extent it was unpleasant.

5. Big Loop - Heide Park
This was a series of rough inversions with seemingly nothing of interest in between. No thanks.