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Underconstruction Topic

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Xpress listen, Sfmmfreak's coaster was fine, who says that all the coasters have to be the same? If he wants a more spread out coaster then let him!

sfmmfreak, I think that the coaster actualy looked pretty fun and very smooth so don't listen to Xpress!
^ He is doing a recreation of Sierra Sidewinder at Knotts, and when you do a recreation you have to be as close to the original as possible. and some turns are a bit wonky compared to the real coaster.

But it still looks good though.
^^^If it was an old school B&M, it would have a pre-drop.

Also, your car textures are awful. Until you learn to make decent ones, you should just use the stock ones.

Looks pretty cool otherwise, though.
Lain said:
Also, your car textures are awful. Until you learn to make decent ones, you should just use the stock ones.

Looks pretty cool otherwise, though.

Have you attempted to make a B&M hyper cartexture before? That is about the 20th try to make that cartexture, and that's only the front cartexture. It took me around 80 tries to make one that would work for a B&M hyper, since Hansixx won't tell me where I can find the 1.6 cartexture. I have no idea why, and he does have one.

-lofty- said:
Xpress listen, Sfmmfreak's coaster was fine, who says that all the coasters have to be the same? If he wants a more spread out coaster then let him!

sfmmfreak, I think that the coaster actualy looked pretty fun and very smooth so don't listen to Xpress!

Yes, it looks fun and it looks smooth, but I've learned to know when a coaster is actually decent. As for sfmmfreaks ride, take a look at this. Look familiar?
Close up on the Gyro-Drop car mid drop.

Gyro Drop Station.

Looking down one of the swings.

Both the Drop tower and the Screaming Swing is now 95% complete (except texturing)(the last 5% is some chairs in the operating booths or some other small props). Now the station is the next project to get done, it's currently around 50-75% complete (except for texturing).

So tomorrow evening and this weekend I will spend as much time on this project to at least get a bulk of the station done.

I will still be posting updates, but not much overview stuff.

For you FPS worrying guys, at the moment there is 3 main objects each including 60000 vertices and the FPS is still 45+ unless you "zoom out" to view the whole coaster.

Those pictures are jaw-dropping! You are the most skilled 3-D artist I have ever seen! I have no criticisms at all, because there aren't any! But don't stop......please!
i hate being the poor sap posting after loefet but I am going though a design crisis so here is my latest Fire Power an ordinary Intamin acclerator with 2 barrel rolls and a triple figure 8 layout.


if anyone would like to continue one of my abandoned coasters pm me :)
I'm lovin' those 3Ds loefet. I'd be suprised if my fps stayed up high on those objects. I'm also finally starting to get the hang of Wings 3D.

Now, I seem to be stuck on weather or not these supports are sufficient enough, and on my helix(look on my NLDC).


I love zero-g latteral force readouts.
-lofty- said:
Xpress listen, Sfmmfreak's coaster was fine, who says that all the coasters have to be the same? If he wants a more spread out coaster then let him!

sfmmfreak, I think that the coaster actualy looked pretty fun and very smooth so don't listen to Xpress!

Well unfortuently, I accidently saved over it with another cool track, and anyway, i'm haviing computer problems with that computer right now.
I started a new coaster... Again. This time a floorless, and I will finish it (well I hope) There has been a lot more track added than what you see here. Been spending the afternoon on it.



loefet said:
But I did some testing comparing my 3ds with Crazy Coasters, and found out that we use about the same amount of polygons, but his have a lot more transparent vertexes which will kill more fps then mine, so I can use higher resolution with about the same FPS.
But I have figured out that a massive amount of supports kills fps more then advance 3d objects.

haha, thats because I've never actually bothered to optimize my objects before.. Object creator did have an 'optimize' option, but it fails misserably. So with Xenon im doing it by hand, which is fun (not).

So lets see my progress..

I like to call this an 'Action Shot'


This would be my puny first drop right here.. Note the cartextures, you likey? =)


Now to show a bit more of what I've been doing.. heres a picture that reveals a bit more.. OVERVIEW TIME BABY.

^ OMFG, nice texturing!!!!!
The rest looks really good as well.

Just spent 4+ hours of constructing the queue inside the "station building" found some tweaks that I have to do something about before its done.
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