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Hyper Poster
I dont really play it that much but, I find it hard to connect free nodes to the supporting, and mine always looks so unrealistic.


Strata Poster
ohhh okay I did that riht after I posted

okay what do you guys like better...the light green supports above or these darker green ones.



Strata Poster
You didn't have to do it for the lower bracings, just the upper 2. And you should do it for all of the columns.

Well, progress is starting to slow down on Thunder Mountain, as I'm getting help with the 3Ds. But, here is a little shot of the progress:

Cool, eh? :?


Strata Poster
well after 4 days of work, all the scaffolding is done.

I had never seen arrow support an airtime hill on one of thir multi loopers so I just winged it.


i'm quite happy to be done with the scaffolding


thanks to ploddish for removing the NL logo on the trains.


Strata Poster
I've never seen vecoma ever support an airtime hill, but I think that is how they would do it.

You know, there is an easy way to remove the NL logo. You just open up MS Paint, and go to cartextures, then look for the vecoma texture, then you open it up, and match the paint and paint over it. You can use the paint bucket tool to piant over everything that you want to color.

There is a site that has all of the cartextures, but I don't know what it is. :?


Strata Poster
well needless to say you can't have a ride named swamp beast without a swamp. As I enter week 3 of work I get to add trees!


Through the Trees!


I swear thats all arrow would use for the corckscrews (on the corckscrew models they would use the complex supports)


Strata Poster
Well, Xcelerator supports would look a lot better than the Stealth supports, but only because it is that tall.


Strata Poster
^why have some complex supports when you can have some simple supports that will be sufficent.


Strata Poster
Why? Because complex supports will look cooler. Simple supports may suffice, but complex supports definately look cooler.


Giga Poster
Well actually they wont be better at all. Stealth, and ALL other accelerator tophats have different supports for a reason, Intamin had to improve them after the Impulse coasters (with the same supports) were found to be unstable, and had to have extra supports added. Technically stealths supports are more complex than Xcelerators anyway.


Strata Poster
Xpress said:
Why? Because complex supports will look cooler. Simple supports may suffice, but complex supports definately look cooler.

yuo ALWAYS put effectiveness over looks..ALWAYS!


Strata Poster
Still, the complex supports may hold up better than the simple ones, depending on how you build them. I don't care for either support types, just that they hold up, and look cool. Just think of something Intamin would do.


Giga Poster
So.. thinking about what Intamin would do I came to the conclusion that they'd go with their more effective, cheaper, sturdier supports that look better.

Personally I think Xcelerator supports are gross anyway </3


Strata Poster
out of a pit of boredem, and a conversation with Andre came this mini motorbike masterpiece


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