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Thoughts on Saw

A-Kid said:
Colossus is a big loss. Its queue holds thousands, reducing the amount of people in other areas.

Well, i meant not a big loss in terms of, not getting to go on it. But yeah, anything major ride that is closed is going to mean longer queues elsewhere.

So it's running... 6 (?) Cars at the moment. If thats the reason for the wait between loading, Then 2 more cars will speed things up A LOT. Lets hope thorpe can manage to run 8 without constanty stopping cars on the MCBR's.

Anyway, the ride hasn't got boring for me yet, each time ive been on theres been a different combination of working/not working effects on the indoor section :lol:
Infernus said:
Well, had my 13th ride on it yesterday.. The ride has gotten smoother, and the inline is now lit up more, so you can actually see the scene.

We rode it in the rain this morning and it really rides well when it is wet, that was our 23rd ride on it and I am definately not bored with it yet, just like seeing first timers faces, now thats funny.
Re: April 9th @ Saw

KieranHowellsOakwood said:
Today has to be the worst day I have been to a themepark; apart from the 4 and a half hour queue line, the ride also repeaedly broke down. I could only get onto 4 rides today, because of the amount of trouble that was going on at the park. Colossus was also shut. To be honest, I will never go to Thorpe again if it's like this.
(quote spiced up to better grammar)

Yeah, the queue time was the main reason we didn't bother to ride Saw. And how I hate Thorpe plasters ALL CAPS all over. <img>, it's not necessary to write THORPE PARK or SAW all the time.

On the plus side, the ride is well visible from the road, and the drop looks quite intimidating from afar. When you queue for Samurai, you see the train drop, go through the Immelmann, then vanish behind the trees. All that's left from then, is the screams. All in all, it's a ride that wants you to ride it, and hauls in guests on looks alone.

However, it's situated in a dead end, and Saw and Colossus drags a lot of guests to a very small area, clogging it like there was no tomorrow. With more paths going through, it would ease the flow a little.
YES! I can now write my review on Saw, the thing I've wished for the most!

Oh yeah and there be the spoilers and all but if you're reading the topic I wouldn't expect you care and all.

I found it rather bumpy. The jolt at the bottom of the drop was very noticeable, you can clearly see it off ride and it's just as bad on-ride and got me both times I rode it. The dive loop was also a bit neck bashy as well....

...but I didn't really care, I LOVED IT! Even though it was bumpy it did not affect the enjoyment of it at all. In fact it gave the ride a character in a way. I LOVED the station (the shotgun scared the **** out of me the second time! (missed it first time.)) It was really atomospheric and adrenaline pumping in my opinion! The staff were amazing as well as they were clearly doing their best to be in character and I saw Ewan scare a woman ****less!

First ride we got the hyped up second-car in the front row. The speech really wasn't that great seeing as you can only see the puppet on the end and he does go on a bit. Saying that, I'd rather get the speech than wait at the end in the final blocks. First drop was REALLY good. Even though I knew it was there, I forgot how steep it was and it gave quite good airtime. The syringe things that blasted air were a bit annoying but it was cool still. The roll wasn't really anything special and the body missed me anyway.

The bottom of the lift really didn't kill the whole mood for me like people have been saying. It actually made me feel a lot more anxious about what was ahead and seeing the previous car fly past furthermore increased the anticipation. The lift hill was uncomfortable and the drop was good but not spectacular. I liked the rotating saws though although they're definitely a better off-ride visual than on-ride visual.

The rest of the layout was quick, fast-paced and I thought it was really good. The airtime hill gave enough airtime for me as did the post-MCBR drop. The dive loop is probably my least favourite inversion and it caught me off guard.

The ride isn't really that intense but the pops of airtime are great and I was pleasantly surprised as I was expecting less from the ride. I thought it was incredibly fun overall and I had a really good time riding it. I personally think it's a great addition to Thorpe and although it's not THE best in terms of theming and ride experience, you cannot deny the park have put some effort into the ride so I congratulate Thorpe for that. I just hope I don't get too bored of it but I look forward to riding it again.

Haven't decided whether it's an 8 or 9 but it's verging towards a 9/10. It's definitely close to if not, in my Top 10 coasters.

I can now sleep easily at night knowing I've finally got posted in this topic! :P
i went on saw twice it broke down twice wen i was in the qeue and again wen i was on it. the ride itself scared me the first time i went on it because of the hidden drop but it was a bit rough but fun x
I'll do a full report when my bald bonce isn't as red and hot as a prostitute in an Amsterdam window.

In a comparing to Mystery Mine nutshell - Saw is the better ride, but Mystery Mine's theme kicks Saw's ass.

I was certainly impressed with the front row and the inside bit was ok, works a lot better when in the first car to leave the station, it flows better.

A solid 7 out of 10.

Anyway, shall write a more articulate post when bored at work later this week.
I managed to do Saw 3 times last weekend, and thought it was great! The indoor section was well executed and it provided a nice variety of elements throughout. In my opinion the indoor drop is better than the main drop, it has more of a kick and combined with the theming it works really well.

I'm only saying my opinion in short and with little detail as I have beef for tea, but it is the best coaster at Thorpe. And there is some rather nice pops of ejector airtime, especially on the hill. And it wasn't rough, and maintained a smoothish ride all the way (bottom of the drop can jerk you about). I'd give it a 9/10 personally. I'll add more to this soon because I have my tea now.
Just thought i'd post that the ride DVD's are now available for the bargain price of £12 for 2 minutes of video.
Heres a couple of full unedited ones people have uploaded to youtube.


Best ride addition IMO

1) Saw
2) Inferno
3) Stealth
4) Colossus
6) Flying Fish, but only because it needs garden!

Just to clarify, has Saw's capacity been sorted out, because I only had to queue to 1.5 hours, which I was pleasantly suprised with!
Watching the video again reminds me how forceless and boring the ride is. The best part that is the inside drop is not even included on the video :(
AmandaPanda said:
Just to clarify, has Saw's capacity been sorted out, because I only had to queue to 1.5 hours, which I was pleasantly suprised with!

It depends. Did you queue the whole queue, or just inside the station... if you queued the whole queue, then yeah, probably, if you only queued inside the station... it probably got worse :wink:
Saw had a 2 hour queue yesterday so they shut the queue half an hour before other rides at 5:30.
Today it was just over 1 and a half hours when I got to the park around midday. But by the end of the day the queue was quite short and only around an hour or so.

Also they had the live actors for part of the day today which I was pleased with. :D
Although the swinging blades weren't working which sucked.

They also need to find a way to stop the second car having to stop on the MCBR every time as they stop loads during the ride.
As promised, I'm now bored at work and exhausted the non-coaster forums so I guess I'll have to resort to this topic.

Thankfully I didn't have to queue for it, no ride is worth a two hour queue and this is no exception. I'd say the longest I'd be prepared to wait for this (with no breakdowns) is 45 mins.

The station is ok. It's a warehouse and quite atmospheric. A good job. Nothing like the renderings, but I never expected it to be. As it made me think that I wasn't actually at some chavtastic park just outside London, I think they did a nice job with it.

Being the first car out of the station is certainly better than being the second.

The second car has to endure that poorly lip-synced puppet thing at the start, a longer wait in the air-pump bits and before the lift hill. The first car flows through the ride at a better pace and makes the ride infiently more enjoyable.

As for the pre-show (inside the building) it's ok. The effects are tackier than what I imagined they would be.

The swining blades/spike drop is BRILLIANT. Nice dose of airtime and you can't really see the drop coming. It did take me by surprise on my first ride. Marvelous.

The air blowing bit is ****e. Maybe I'm missing something because I've not seen the films, but WTF? In the second car, I seemed to wait there for about 15 seconds, which really did my nut in.

However, as it moves off that block, the next bit is well paced. It drops sweetly down towards and through the barrell roll inversion, accelerating at a good speed, with enough time for a well time splat of water from the dead body.

Then comes the lift hill. Doesn't really build any anticipation like the previous Eurofighters I've been on. perhaps I'm just used to them now. I think these hills are better inside.

Again, the first car takes everything up to this point MUCH better than the second car.

The saw blades need to be closer, didn't really feel a headchopping moment at all.

The ride itself is fine. The inversions are well placed and it maintains a decent pace throughout. Enough time to relaise what element I'm experincing although I didn't feel any disorientation...I'd rather it be a tad quicker and twisty, but in all it's a good ride and is equaly enjoyable despite what car you leave the station on.

I had six goes in total and found that the front row, first car is the best way to get the best out of the coaster. Roughness is already noticable, and I started to really feel it from go three onwards.

It is a good ride, a good addition for Thorpe and is sort of worth the hype it achieved, although unlike Stealth and Inferno, it doesn't make me want to rush back to Thorpe for another go.

I stick with a solid 7/10.