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Ploddish said:
Smelly said:
Story makes up for it.. but if you want a story.. read a book.


I play games to "play" them. I watch movies/read books for non interactive story telling.

I dont give a flying damn about a games plot as long as it's a fun INTERACTIVE experience...
I see what you mean, but surely a good story would constitute to some form of higher score?

I enjoyed Bioshock and was totally entranced by the first five levels, and really irritated by the last few. After the twist it lost focus (because it had nothing left TO focus on), but it was an intelligent game none the less.

Sure, the "moral choices" were dichatomic, but the use of sound was flawless throughout. I never once thought I was anywhere but Rapture, because the atmosphere was always there. There was always something moving, or making a noise. The city felt alive, even when it was dead, with leaks and the citizens muttering to themselves.

The enemies WERE however tedious and boring after the 5th level. The fact they changed their focus to shooter from FPSRPG was a bad choice, imo. I can see why they did it though: to make it a purer experience. It suffered from this though, evidently. Had they made the core mechanics better than they were (as you said, mediocre at best), it would be one of my favourite games.

But, it was still an experience, and I have played the first few levels over a few times, just to live through them again. I don't think any twist in a game has ever caught me that off guard, either.

So, overall, for me; enjoyable, but becomes tedious after the 2/3s mark, unfortunately. Stunning soundscapes and atmosphere make up for it though, and create something memorable. 8/10
I agree with plod. The game did die pretty horribly after the twist. But before that it was great.

Stupid plot twists.

I think one of the best plot twists I had in a game was FFX. After that twist it really got your ready for the final part of the game and stuff.

I also reccomend getting Touhou. They are free and rather good games.
Mainly play Call Of Duty 4 (PS3), I have Brothers In Arms: Hells Highway and Farcry 2 on preorder.
My COD4 won't work online anymore.
I've had the problems for ages.

Me said:
I've had this game for ages now and have been playing it online. Although around a month or so ago when I went to click on 'find game' on the online menu it came up with 'downloading game settings' It was on this screen for over an hour so I gave up and made a topic here. I was told to delete the update and reinstall it. I tried it and it worked. But then a few weeks later the same thing happened. I tried doing reinstalling the latest update but it still wouldn't work. But the Saturday the new maps came out it suddenly worked, so I rushed to the store and spent all of the Saturday online. Then when I went to play the next day the same problem came up again.
I've tried several times a day to try and get online, and keep re-installing the updates but with no luck.

Has any one had this problem, or even better. Does anyone know how to FIX IT? I desperately need help as I can't go online with friends anymore.

Thanks in advance if you can help.

I've tried everything but it doesn't work.
It does work every now and then though, about once every couple of months, but as soon as I try again it's back to stage 1 where it doesn't work.
It's happened with a few people I know as well, and it's only on COD4 and it's pissing me off. :X
I will FINALLY be getting the Orange Box for my 18th birthday next month AT LONG BLOODY LAST!!! I am a HUGE fan of Half-Life 2 and Portal. They are two of my all time favourite games!!!!!!
Iron Kat said:
I will FINALLY be getting the Orange Box for my 18th birthday next month AT LONG BLOODY LAST!!! I am a HUGE fan of Half-Life 2 and Portal. They are two of my all time favourite games!!!!!!
Just wait until you find out that team fortress 2 is your favourite. :p

And Pierre, thanks for the link. I've tried one of them but not the other so I'll give it a go. :)

Guess what I'm getting on Wednesday?

CAN'T ****!NG WAIT!!! :p
EBA is fab! Played it to death when it was released :)

Iron Kat, I've got Orange Box. Never really played it :lol:

I'd already completed Half Life 2, so bought it cheap for the extras. I'm about halfway through the irst add on pack thing... Not touched anything else :(

then again, I'm not a big fan of FPS
^Yeah. If you don't get much joy from HL2, there's not much hope for you in the land of FPSes :p

Granted, Episode One was all the bad stuff from HL2 without any extra good stuff, and Episode 2 was the opposite. So, especially after the end of Ep2, I wonder where they'll go next.

Portal is one of my favourite gaming experiences. Erik Wolpaw is a god. He cracked the gameplay through story thing, and did it perfectly. Although, Valve has been doing it for a while, so I guess they've had a bit of a headstart.

Can you guess how much I love Valve yet?

Also, Left4Dead looks like a really fun experience, if TF2 is anything to go by.
Picked up WipEout Pulse for PSP.

Good old WipEout fun ^_^
Good old Psygnosis as well.

I quite like Eliminator back as well. I started with WipEout Fusion and the elimination modes I enjoyed loads more than racing and I also like the loops and stuff from it as well. maybe its because of what I said before but I prefer the stuck feeling to the bouncy roundness from Pure (and I assume the previous ones) but a mix of both is quite nice. Will be picking up the PS3 title when it's out. No not WipEout HD
Ploddish said:
I see what you mean, but surely a good story would constitute to some form of higher score?


Put it this way? Would you play it again now you've completed it?

If not, then it's not a good game.

For example I still pick up mario world/mario 3 every so often despite having beaten them both NUMEROUS times.. Because with those games its the gameplay/fun which keeps you playing and not a stuck on story.

The city felt alive, even when it was dead, with leaks and the citizens muttering to themselves

If you want a world which feels alive - play duken nukem 3d. Everything is interactable.. Toilets flush, light switches can be turned on/off.. everything in the world you can "interact with". Games like bioshock and pretty much every modern fps - the worlds feel "static" in comparision.

(and duke 3d is at least 10 years old!)

The enemies WERE however tedious and boring

yes they were

after the 5th level.

FIFTH LEVEL!?!?! They didnt change from the first level (only got harder!)

The fact they changed their focus to shooter from FPSRPG was a bad choice, imo.

NO NO NO.. There was is and never will be ANY RPG elements in bioshock. It's a pure shooter with a weapon upgrade system - nothing more nothing less.

Oh.. And dont get me started on the tediously dull hacking mini-game.

Or the fact there was no challenge.

Or that it was too easy (but then all modern games are!)
^Yes, fifth level. That was when the shinyness of the story/architechture was dulled by the constant repetition of well meaning but ultimately mediocre FPS combat.

And yes, I have (and did say in the last post, too...) that I've played it again. I liked the first few levels that much. If they just cut it off after the twist, i'd've had a much better time. I like story. This is why I've read books more than once, or seen films more than once, because I like how it's played out. I still get scared, or excited, or whatever, even after the fiftieth time. So, I DO think that if the story is accessible enough for everyone [which, in all fairness, it was trying to do. There was one faucet of your past that is entirely optional], it should at least give the game a few more points..?

I see what you mean, I do. I, like you, have played Mario countless times, because it was fun, but I've also played HL2 through a few times too, because of the emergent story.

And they DID once have it more SS2 than it is already, with more RPG stuff, but when they were bought by 2K and became Boston, and gained an entire new other team in Australia, they changed their focus to pure shooter.

And the hacking also got dull after about the fifth level, but that's because I'm the kind of person who likes minesweeper and fails at it miserably, but still keeps pressing reset...

But you have said in the past that you like FPS about as much (if not less) than Furie, which is fair enough. I liked it for being more intelligent than it needed to be. A bit like ABBA. [note: I realise the weakness of this argument now that I've struck parallels between it and ABBA...]

EDIT: also, by atmosphere and the feeling of the world being alive, I just mean the combination of sound and visuals to set a tone and feel for the world you're in. I felt like I was in Rapture, much like I felt like I was in City 17 in HL2.
Burnout Paradise new Patch is no online! Load up BO:p to get it. Bikes and stuffs, but no trophies yet.

Anyone else get the Pain Abusement park by the way? It's good I suppose, but the whole Pain thing wears thin I find.

Wipeout HD due out next Thursday too, anyone excited? :)
^I was thinking about getting the new add on pack, but haven't got round to doing it yet. I need a new level as the downtown one is getting old now. But I think onec you've done it in one place then you've done it everywhere.

But I do find myself still going on 'Pain' only telling myself that I'll be on it for 15 mins max and still end up playing it an hour later. :p
Ollie said:
But I do find myself still going on 'Pain' only telling myself that I'll be on it for 15 mins max and still end up playing it an hour later. :p

I'm the same - I don't really get anything from it, but it just whiles away the time :lol: