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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Ben said:
So, let me get this straight, you're arguing it'll be even worse than it already is, while trying to defend it...?

... o... k...

Where am I saying it'll be worse? Will you complain about it then going around the inversions too slowly then?

You're complaining that it's whipping around, and yet my discussion (with good examples of what I've seen) reckons it's my belief that the ride won't ride like it is in the test video, possibly slower, and you are saying then that because of it it'll ride worse? You're the one making no sense Ben, because you don't seem to ever want to give rides a chance ever... Look at your crap in the HRRR, all it is is bitching about it being a MS and therefore it won't be good as Abismo... Seriously, it's getting tedious...

If you have nothing good to put forward, don't bother posting, you're cluttering the forum up with your excessive bitching without putting forward a half-decent arguement... How about waiting till it opens till you give judgement?

I know full well I make my thoughts about Thorpe obvious, but I'm still giving the ride a chance even though the name and theme is possibly the worse decision ever made...

I read your arguements Ben, and you just pick and pick, your post above is just idiotic... If it wasn't for the better spelling, you'd first think it was a 14 year-old with an obession of bitching about everything cos they're on the internet...

Shut up Ben...
Nemesis Inferno said:
Where am I saying it'll be worse? Will you complain about it then going around the inversions too slowly then?

You're complaining that it's whipping around, and yet my discussion (with good examples of what I've seen) reckons it's my belief that the ride won't ride like it is in the test video, possibly slower, and you are saying then that because of it it'll ride worse? You're the one making no sense Ben, because you don't seem to ever want to give rides a chance ever... Look at your crap in the HRRR, all it is is bitching about it being a MS and therefore it won't be good as Abismo... Seriously, it's getting tedious...

Point out the part where I say it's going too fast. Go on. Quote it. OH WAIT. You can't. Mainly, because I've not said that. The speed looks fine. The speed it's at now is how I'd want it to go. SO, slower... yeah, that'd mean more hangtime and less force. This is a bad thing. It's the shape of things that bothers me. The way it jerks around the turns. Not the speed. If it went slower, it would still probably ride like it has square corners. "TRANSITIONS". That's what I've posted about. I haven't even USED the word "speed" yet.

If you have nothing good to put forward, don't bother posting, you're cluttering the forum up with your excessive bitching without putting forward a half-decent arguement... How about waiting till it opens till you give judgement?

Um, at least I'm not the one putting words into someone else's mouth. That'd be you in this example. And don't give me all this crap about "waiting til it opens". It's perfectly obvious anyone with any sort of coaster experience can gain an idea of how a ride will feel by watching it. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it. Somehow, though, I doubt it.

I read your arguements Ben, and you just pick and pick, your post above is just idiotic... If it wasn't for the better spelling, you'd first think it was a 14 year-old with an obession of bitching about everything cos they're on the internet...

LOL. Yes. Idiotic because YOU have assumed I'm saying something I'm not. Do you have any over point other than the fact that you have made assumptions about my opinion?

Shut up Ben...

Have you stopped putting words into my mouth and making assumptions yet? Maybe then I won't have to put you right about what you say regarding me?

BTW, I fully expect you also to go through everyone else in this topic and call out every single one of them that thinks this is going to suck. Cause at this point, you've only decided it's me judging it that you have a problem with, something that's rather rude. So don't get your little Thorpe-knickers in a twist over me, and ignore everyone else.
^Ben, you know full well I don't like Thorpe...

So I'm guessing a slower speed won't make a difference on the way in which the transitions are taken?

Why should I bother calling out everyone? People have changed their views, not you, you've just kept on and on and on about it going to be crap before it was even built... I look at the first page and we don't even reach 5 posts before you go 'It'll be crap like every other Eurofighter'...

You've been on ONE... Rage...

I've been on one, Speed...

And you talk to me about spewing crap about not judging till it's open... You've actually gone and judged EVERY OTHER SINGLE EUROFIGHTER ever built based on ONE ride...

I don't like your tone about 'anyone with any sort of coaster experience', that's pissed me off the most, because you're just being all high and mighty about having 300 credits... But only one of this type... Funny that...
Nemesis Inferno said:
So I'm guessing a slower speed won't make a difference on the way in which the transitions are taken?

It won't make a difference to the way they're built, no. No matter how slowly, it'll still shunt around them. Of course, I highly doubt that when testing it for speed and force they'd let it run a measurable amount faster than normal. Any chance they weren't doing that on Vampire so the amount in the dummies didn't matter... but... here it does?

Why should I bother calling out everyone? People have changed their views, not you, you've just kept on and on and on about it going to be crap before it was even built... I look at the first page and we don't even reach 5 posts before you go 'It'll be crap like every other Eurofighter'...

LOL. So if you hold an opinion on something for an extended period of time then it's LESS acceptable than someone who has just decided they don't like it now? Logical, this is not.

You've been on ONE... Rage...

I've been on one, Speed...

And you talk to me about spewing crap about not judging till it's open... You've actually gone and judged EVERY OTHER SINGLE EUROFIGHTER ever built based on ONE ride...

It doesn't matter if I've been one or a hundred, I can still see this thing is shunting around like Rage does. And Rage's shunting is unbearable. It doesn't take a lot to see how a coaster moves, see how it's similar to another I've ridden, and reach some form of conclusion about it.

BTW, I LOVE how you have to reach back to the first page to find an argument.

I don't like your tone about 'anyone with any sort of coaster experience', that's pissed me off the most, because you're just being all high and mighty about having 300 credits... But only one of this type... Funny that...

Awww. Cry.
Ben referring to Nemesis Inferno said:
LOL. So if you hold an opinion on something for an extended period of time then it's LESS acceptable than someone who has just decided they don't like it now? Logical, this is not.

I believe the point that NI raised there was that other people have gone from giving it a chance to begin with and then disliking it after much more was known about it. As opposed to just completely dismissing it as rubbish from the outset. Which is somewhat logical for an argument.

But it does look jerky like Rage as you say, so I do agree with you there, but I personally prefer rougher roller coasters to smooth one's as it adds to the out of control nature that coasters were originally based on. :wink:

But as I've said before in this topic, the more that we know of the ride, the less I am liking it.
Your view on the first page was what I was looking for...

The fact that you've been against the ride from the start and NEVER given it a chance... Some people have and are now disappointed, but at least they gave it a chance, not like Ben who is masterful... I don't care that other people have said that they don't like it, because I actually believe what Spicy said, people are just complaining more because it's Thorpe...

It's just stupid to judge such things beforehand, why? Because you never know how these things will run until you do them... Example from personal experience, X and Tatsu raved about, they're ****... SheiKra raved about, ****...

I've watched POVs of Rage and Mystery Mine, including some off-ride shots, and I don't see the so-called 'shunting' on them, perhaps the whole point of the Eurofighter is to be able to do tight turns and manoeuvres in order to give a different thrill in a relatively compact space?

I may be in a better option to view similarities once I've done Rage, but for now, I have Speed to compare the airtime hill to at least, and I liked Speed, but as you said, it's an Eurofighter, it's obviously bad because Ben's been on so many coasters he knows all...

And on Vampire it evidently does depend on the amount of dummies as if there aren't enough it does stall... And of course, similar could be said of this until it's run in... Perhaps the shunting is because of the way in which the wheels have not particularly adapted quite yet to the track shape, as of course friction tells us that they will eventually, giving a much different experience to what is seen now...

This is turning into RRR's topic atm, and tbh, it's reasons like this why I'd like an ignore button... Although this is arguable as then I would miss getting involved in such things... Which would be more of a shame...

If it's crap in the end it's crap, I'll accept it, but since I liked Speed, I do think I'll like the ride here... Not the theme... Ben of course, will never admit to liking it really, same goes for every other coaster you've bashed before you've been on it...
Excuse me, do NOT give me a "you wouldn't admit a coaster you thought would suck, but then was good, is good" speech, because if you cast your mind back to the Fahrenheit topic I thought that would be RUBBISH and just pointless with Storm Runner across the park. Of course, I loved it, and posted about how GOOD I thought it was. Boulder Dash. Thought would be a bit average. Number one. Get the point here? How about one where I rode it once, came back a few years later, and it had improved vastly? Go to anywhere I talked about Big Dipper for that one. Don't give me the "you won't admit it" crap.

And don't give me the "it's just cause it's at Thorpe" speech either. I want SO much for Thorpe to build something good. I was willing this to be good when the announcement came. Disappointed.

And Rage still shunted after nearly two years of operation. Still wearing in, is it?

Why should I have ever given a lacklustre, disappointing coaster a chance when it was clear from the start what it was going to turn out like? I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that it's suddenly going to become wonderful... especially not when Thorpe's involved.
SchumacherFerrari said:
Ben said:
And Rage still shunted after nearly two years of operation. Still wearing in, is it?

Nah, it's just rough. But I like rough coasters :roll:

If you think Rage is rough, I can't wait for you to ride some real rough rides...
So Ben proves my point that you shouldn't judge things before you go on them?

Yet you still say it'll be disappointing and lacklustre when you say you did similar to Farenheit?

Thankyou for proving my original point BY YOURSELF... Pat yourself on the back before we move back onto the topic at hand...
No. I never mentioned anything about it not being right to judge before riding.

I proved that what you were saying about me not admitting I'm wrong, was in fact, incorrect.

I also reinstated the fact it's fine to judge a ride before hand, if you admit you were right/wrong after.

What else are you going to do in a construction topic but judge before riding...? A practice I've not at any point in this topic said one should not do. And that last post? No exception.
Mike said:
SchumacherFerrari said:
Ben said:
And Rage still shunted after nearly two years of operation. Still wearing in, is it?

Nah, it's just rough. But I like rough coasters :roll:

If you think Rage is rough, I can't wait for you to ride some real rough rides...

Well it's not smooth that's for sure :wink:

Rough rides are more out of control, the original idea behind the coaster concept, so I prefer them to one's that you just sit on and go around a track in a sort of suspended comfort if you will. I like to feel more involved with the ride, like it's controlling my body by battering me around in the seat. I agree that Rage isn't a very good example of a really rough ride, but it is rough nonetheless. :roll:
But the fact is Ben that my statements appear to be correct when you reveal what happened in your personal experiences...

Either way, I think we should stop now as I wish to moan more about the theme most likely going to be the ruining factor for those who dislike certain things related to horror... Especially when I reckon I may like the ride section...
Perhaps so, but that's due to my general dislike of the Saw films, and hence is from the experiences I have got from the films...

I hate them, so I will hate the theming here... Simple logic Ben...

Hence not as contradictory as you may think in an attempt to find a point you can pick me upon...
Ben said:
You're judging the theming before experiencing it...

Slight contradiction, no?

No, he's saying that he believes that the theming is most likely going to be the thing that ruins the ride for him, so he's going to moan about that possibility...

Nemesis Inferno said:
..as I wish to moan more about the theme most likely going to be the ruining factor..
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