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Raptor - B&M 'Wing-Rider' - Gardaland


Mega Poster
I think they might just be supports so that the train didn't sit on the upstops in transit, and give them a flat spot. I know Fahrenheit has something like those on one side of it's trains, but I could never figure out what they were for, and these ones don't quite look like those either.


Strata Poster
Yeah, I'll agree it's just wood. Coaster pieces are put on pieces of wood all the time to protect against ground damage.


Giga Poster
Testing video!


Doesn't show an awful lot, but hey. Looks like the back row will be the place to be on the first drop.

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
I sense definite comparisons to Air will be in order...

It doesn't look slow per say... It depends on what you're comparing this speed to really... Defo not fast from the video but as the speed as which it seems to take the inversions and turns is so Air-like it's rather untrue...

Graceful I think basically... Nice and graceful...


Staff member
Social Media Team
^Why do you say odd?

I think it looks great!


Giga Poster
^ Yeah I was going to say that, it's got a real air-like pacing to it from the video. but look at the corner before the second inversion, that seems to be taken at some speed.


CF Legend
The drop up until the airtime hill thing with the trim looks fab, then it dies... Hmmmm... I imagine it'll be better than a lot of people are saying though because the trains will make it feel faster/more intense than a normal coaster going that slow.

Martyn B

CF Legend
After that small hill, it looks pretty ugly to me, though I'd imagine that section will be fab with all the choppers.

And I dont think its looks that slow.


Staff member
Social Media Team
UC said:
^Why do you say odd?

Eh, it wasn't any real reason, it just looks strange to me seeing trains essentially "wrapped" around the track like that.

Neither X nor Baco really "wrap" the track, they more or less mount the seats on the side above the track, as someone pointed out earlier.

These, on the other hand, are set downward a bit more than usual...the result is a train that kind of looks like this: __/----\__

Just looks rather unique, that's all I meant.
Yeah, I kinda thought that's what you meant. It will be interesting riding it too, with the seats in that position, it'll be odd having the track right next to you.


Giga Poster
^ That might enhance the feeling of speed as well, being right next to the track... especially in the first row.


Goon of the Year
There has been a off-ride video leaked. Like to thank Steve Walsh for finding it, not brill quality, but it will do!



Giga Poster
I'm interested to see what kind of air the banking changes make. I've not ridden Baco so I'm not sure how they feel.


Goon of the Year
Just going to re-post the video I just posted on the previous page:



CF Legend
^Thanks, we all needed that in the topic three times cause we have blunt objects stuck in our heads.


Giga Poster

Right when I read that, Mushroom, it reminded me of this. :lol:


Staff member
Looks like a sit down version of air to me...

To be fair, the coaster looks really nice going around, but it's definitely in that softer category...


Slut for Spinners
Well we know what ride is going to be featured in all the Euro-Live trip reports. It looks absolutely stunning as it runs the course.


Hyper Poster
This thing looks so awesome in motion <3 And if it rides like Air then that won't really be a problem imo. I don't care what anyone says, I personally like Air and I don't see why people hate it so much. It may be tame and slow, but it still gives a pleasant ride...which is how I reckon Raptor will feel.

I'd just like to add that the train makes a sexy noise when it glides around the track. Even if it is drowned out by the Tomb Raider-esque music in that video. B&M <3