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Pleasure Beach Launch New Big One trains


Hyper Poster
From The Pleasure Beach website

The wedding of the century is only a few weeks away and to celebrate this, Pleasure Beach, Blackpool is about to launch 2 new trains on the world famous Pepsi Max Big One bearing the names William and Kate alongside brand new Union Jack livery.

In addition we are looking for 15 Williams and 15 Kates to be the first to try out the new trains and potentially find love at the same time by speed dating whilst riding the rollercoaster!

If you are a William or a Kate and would like to join us at Pleasure Beach at 10am on Wednesday 9th February, to take part in this exciting event, contact us via our Facebook page – www.facebook.com/pleasurebeachresort and complete the entry form.

The 2 new Union Jack trains, which are to be christened William and Kate, were inspired by Prince William’s visit to Blackpool in November last year. During his visit he enjoyed such thrilling rides as the Ice Blast and Infusion.

Amanda Thompson, Managing Director of Pleasure Beach, Blackpool, comments, “We were delighted to be able to welcome Prince William and his friends to Pleasure Beach last year. We decided to commemorate his visit by naming the new trains after him and his wife to be, Kate Middleton. The Royal couple will be more than welcome to come and try out the trains for themselves”

Pleasure Beach, Blackpool will open its gates for the first time in 2011 on Saturday February 12th 10.00am for the first, fantastic WOW Weekend.

WOW Weekends kick off on 12th & 13th February and run up to the weekend of 2nd and 3rd April. On these special days, visitors can save £10 off a wristband if booked online in advance. Adult wristbands are £32 on the gate and an amazing £22 if booked online. Junior and senior wristbands are £27 on the gate and £17 if booked online.

If you remember a topic about the new trains a while a go this is what it's about.
The Promo Image

Link: http://www.blackpoolpleasurebeach.com/b ... php?id=168


CF Legend
Ugh. I thought I hated the Union Jack trains before this announcement. I detest them now. Kate & William. No Thanks.


CF Legend
Haha, if those two chavs don't illustrate Blackpool as a whole, (or, hole) I don't know what does.

(though I'd fouq that William)


Giga Poster
Ergh, has that annoying marketing women that was sacked from Alton been hired at PBB?


Giga Poster
spicy said:
Ergh, has that annoying marketing women that was sacked from Alton been hired at PBB?

This is exactly what I was going to post, but couldn't be arsed to look up her name so didn't! :p


Hyper Poster
^ That's exactly what I thought!

It's saying PLEEEEEEASE come back Prince William PLEEEAAASE! You payed with tokens!!.

I think having a day off is enough for the Royal Wedding thank you very much, coaster trains are uneccessary.

I also second all the 'who are they?' comments too.


Mega Poster
Ben said:
Haha, if those two chavs don't illustrate Blackpool as a whole, (or, hole) I don't know what does.

(though I'd fouq that William)
Surely you mean Harry...? Harry is the cute one!


Anyway the marketing woman from Alton Towers is Morwenna Angrove. :)


CF Legend
STC said:
Ben said:
Haha, if those two chavs don't illustrate Blackpool as a whole, (or, hole) I don't know what does.

(though I'd fouq that William)
Surely you mean Harry...? Harry is the cute one!

Noooo, the chavvy "William" in the Blackpool picture, not the ACTUAL William, that's gross :p


Mega Poster
I love how it says that he enjoyed such thrilling rides as Ice Blast and Infusion, so they decided to dedicate PMBO to him.


Mega Poster
What a horrid marketing image; very 90's, very amateur.

...and the whole thing, union jack trains (tacky) and naming them after royals (just ****).


CF Legend
Ben - I have to agree with you on this one :p

Enicomb said:
What a horrid marketing image; very 90's, very amateur.

...and the whole thing, union jack trains (tacky) and naming them after royals (just <img>).

<3. At least someone else agrees it's dire. **** the royals.


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
*SHOCK* I actually like this marketing campaign!

I'm always up for a bit of patriotism. I'm proud to be British (more so English I have to say :p) and I like to see the Union Flag flying. It's a lack of patriotism that divides a country after all!

Ok, so I couldn't give a toss about the royal wedding even though I'm all for a monarchy. Please just poodle on in the background, your Majesty.

Speed dating on a coaster is one of the best ideas I've ever read! It's perfect when you think about it. All that seat swapping, having just a few minutes to chat to the person next to you and if you don't like them you can sit back and enjoy the ride! The adrenaline will be pumping for non-enthusiast riders so I reckon it'll be a great atmosphere. The only drawback I can see is if a stereotypical coaster enthusiast takes part :lol:

So yeah, one of the iconic British coasters whizzing around with the Union Flag on it, coupled with the cheesy fun of speed dating, I think this a genius bit of PR.

Forget tea towels and egg cups, this is certainly the best cashing in on the Royal Wedding I've seen.


Hyper Poster
It's a good thing for PB as for once they are actually using a publicity stunt and advertising.


Staff member
Ian said:
*The only drawback I can see is if a stereotypical coaster enthusiast takes part :lol:

"I see here that they've used an 'O' ring on the trains, which is different to the typical flange found on a Morgan hypercoaster train wheel assembly. Oh, did you feel the slight bump then? That's where the welding was made by inhouse engineers. You can tell the difference between the Arrow welds and the inhouse welds, wait... there, did you see the Arrow weld is slightly shorter and sharper? The inhouse welds have a much more prolonged judder on the trains. On my next run I'm going to sit with that rather attractive brunette in row 3... I've heard they used a different source for the seat belt buckles just for that one row as the manufacturer had run out of stock just before completing the contract. No, I've no idea why it might be row three and not the end of the train, but the assembly process..........."


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
^ It's no wonder so few girls post on CF. They're blatantly too busy getting themselves off to posts like that.