CedarPoint6 said:
I'll have to echo what Big John is saying, Phil... You should consider checking out the Firefly series that Serenity was based off of. It focuses a lot more on the character development and explains some of the things that the movie leaves out. By the end of the series (even the first episode which is like a movie in itself), the characters all seem more real and I think really add to the movie's appeal.
I watched the first 4 or 5 episodes of Firefly, but it just didn't really do much for me. I don't know why, just one of those things, but I did give it a go.
The thing is, everyone is raving about the film - then saying "well, it's only THAT good if you've watched the series". It's like the Lost game John - it's not a great game, but it IS for a fan of Lost, because of the way it interacts with something you love.
From a none Firefly fan point, Serenity is an okay film. It's very competently made, acted, written, etc. It's just that it never really ever gets 'great'.
I don't see if you get what I mean? I love woodies, so will also rate them better than steelies, because of my personal preference, but I understand it's just because of my preference there twisting my view, and know that really, they're not as good as I think :lol:
Anyway, I'm currently watch The Nightmare Before Christmas again for the 8th time in two days. Maxi-Minor_Furie has discovered it and loves it. He knows most of the words now :lol:
Okay, so it's been a favourite film of mine for a long time, and I've seen it countless number of times - but I still love it. It's very much a love it or 'meh' it film, and it's aged quite badly (Tim Burton's work
always ages badly), but I can stil lsit and watch it more than half a dozen times a day with the ankle biter - it's certainly better than some of the ****e I'm forced to site through). 9/10