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peep said:
Finally saw Flight

Great film, I thought the flight sequence was very tense and extremely well directed. Hopefully this means Robert Zemeckis will continue to make decent live action films again.

My man! <3
Just now got around to seeing Skyfall. Dunno if it's the best Bond film ever, as some have been saying, but it's certainly up there. All the one-liners and action sequences that make a good Bond film were there, but I also liked that there were little bits that reveal pieces of Bond's background and childhood, I loved that the classic Aston Martin DB5 made a re-appearance, I thought Javier Bardem's performance as the villain was perfect, and I thought that there were some stunning visuals unlike any ever before seen in a Bond movie. The main theme is also fantastic, and very deserving of the Oscar it won. The only criticism I have for the movie was its length.. it just felt too drawn out at times (particularly towards the end), and Bond films have always been about crisp action & relatively concise storytelling.

Was ok, but wasn't the best. Definitely was entertained.

Jack the Giant Slayer

Nephew wanted to see it, he got scared so we left, so I went back tonight and saw it and I'm glad we left when we did. The movie was better than I thought it would be (which isn't saying much) but I found myself pleasantly entertained. Worth a redbox easily.
Shawshank Redemption: 10.0/10

Without a doubt the best movie in the world. It was kind of long but everything else was perfect. There was no real favorite part of the movie, my favorite part was the whole thing. I recommend everyone to watch it. #1 best movie in the world.

The Avengers: 9.9/10

The Avengers is my 2nd favorite movie, coming extremely close to Shawshank. Lots of action in the end of the film and has a great storyline. Another must see. I'm not a fan of superhero films but The Avengers is special. Something about this movie is special. I really don't know why. Maybe it's that all the superheros are on a team? I really don't know, you'll just have to watch the movie and see for yourself.
Jason Voorhees said:
Shawshank Redemption: 10.0/10

Without a doubt the best movie in the world. It was kind of long but everything else was perfect. There was no real favorite part of the movie, my favorite part was the whole thing. I recommend everyone to watch it. #1 best movie in the world.

The Avengers: 9.9/10

The Avengers is my 2nd favorite movie, coming extremely close to Shawshank. Lots of action in the end of the film and has a great storyline. Another must see. I'm not a fan of superhero films but The Avengers is special. Something about this movie is special. I really don't know why. Maybe it's that all the superheros are on a team? I really don't know, you'll just have to watch the movie and see for yourself.

It is good, but Citizen Kane says hi ;)
^ Nah, total snoozefest. Even worse if you've already heard the spoiler before seeing the movie. I dunno about best movie of all time, but I'll take Shawshank any day.
What do the Brits know about films? We make dull things with talking and stuff; not enough explosions, Nic Cage or robots! :p

Finally got around to watching In Bruges on Friday night. Late to the part I know, but what a fantastic film. Appeals perfectly to to my sense of humour and wonderfully executed. It's funny, poignant, touching and just brilliant. Adored it. Lots out of ten!
furie said:
not enough explosions, Nic Cage or robots! :p
To be fair, I don't think The Shawshank Redemption has any of those things either. Unless there's a uncut version I'm missing out on?
Just because there aren't any doesn't mean it will make it to the number 1 spot with the BFI :p

I don't remember many in Citizen Kane either though to be honest - but Nic Cage is fantastic as Rosebud.
Cage is shockingly less wooden in it than usual - definitely his best part ever.
^ Agreed. His career's all been a downhill slide from there & it's really gone up in smoke at the end.

Vertigo is very good, but I don't even think it's Hitchcock's best film.. North by Northwest and Rear Window are better, in my opinion.
^But how'd it get burned? HOW'D IT GET BURNED????

Watched the remake of Fright Night the other evening. I used to enjoy the original (and the follow up) as a cheesy vampire flick, so I thought I'd probably quite like the remake.

It's got a lot of bad. No tense build up to finding the vampire, David Tennant is utterly brilliant for the first five minutes he's on screen, then his character is poorly written and he doesn't really know what to do with it for the rest of the film.

It's clichéd, the plot is telegraphed, the effects on occasion leave a huge amount to be desired, the list of problems goes on and on.

However, it's great fun. There are some superb "tense" moments and a couple of great little shocks that elevate it from a piss-poor cheese fest to an enjoyable cheese fest. It's not going to hit any top lists, but for a mindless and enjoyable 90 minute vampire romp it was well worth it. An "everyone should watch it anyway" 7/10 :)
Currently watching "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
Seen it a few times and every time I do I like it a little more.

It's really "clicked" with me this time. Besides the surface level crazy drug use and silliness, the film is packed with great quotes. More so I'm realizing the subtle things now: What seems to be an anti drug feeling, social criticism...society in general but especially Las Vegas, the failure of the 60s. The ugliness of people. The whole "wave" speech is one of the more powerful and moving things I've heard.

Used to think it was a funny movie about some old dudes being f***ed up but it's pretty brilliant.

Oh and my favorite movies are that, A Scanner Darkly, Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Goodfellas, Fight Club, and Office Space.
Sherlock Holmes

Was recommended this by a workmate, I liked the film, I did, thought Downey Jr was a good Sherlock. Before I watched my pre-conception was it was going to be witty and eccentric, well it certainly was both of those, but I felt it was trying to be too clever, whether that is intentional, it just hammered home it's cleverness, rather than letting it flow like the BBC's Sherlock did.
I just watched Oz The Great And Powerful. I didn't go into it with high expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. While it's nothing fantastic, I just really seemed to enjoy it. The CGI was quite hokey at times and watching it in 2-D you could really see those moments where you know they were going for those trademark 3-D moments. Franco did ok, I think he really worked with the role, but he didn't really bring much to it. I love Zach Braff, and was kinda disappointed that he wasn't in the movie add much in the last half. The witches I thought did a very good job, except Mila Kunis. In the beginning I thought she did quite well, but once she actually became one, it just wasn't good. she couldn't pull it off and I couldn't take her seriously.

Overall, it's definitely nothing to write home about, but I actually found it enjoyable and I recommend it. It's definitely not for everyone, but I enjoyed it, and I'm sure many others would as well.

Another one for Oz the Great and Powerful.

I quite liked it, but as others have said it's nothing particularly amazing. There's not a great deal of story to it to be honest; they've just taken a very simple idea as to how and why the wizard of Oz became the wizard of Oz, and how the wicked witch of the west became the wicked witch of the west, and stretched it out into just over two hours.

It looks amazing, especially in 3D, but it's almost ruined by too many theme-park-style jump out of the screen moments, which sort of takes away from the overall imagery of the land of Oz, which has been done really well.

What I did like is that it managed to go back to Baum's original vision of Oz while at the same time nodding back to the 1939 film, but without trying to be too clever or completely **** ing with the story; it had a nice familiarity about the whole thing, but worked as a stand-alone film as well.

I'm sick of these new retellings of well-known stories, and Tim Burton will never be forgiven for Alice in Wonderland, but luckily this didn't fall into the same category as the other absolute s**te that keeps getting churned out.

It's not an amazing film by any stretch of the imagination. It's just a nice, decent film to kill a couple of hours with.
I ordered some new films yesterday: Ghost World, Slither, The Believer and Brown Bunny. Can't wait for them to arrive, haven't watched 'new for me' films on DVD in ages <3