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"Now Showing"


Great flick.. very suspenseful even though you know the outcome going in. I'd put it equal to Silver Linings Playbook as the best Best Picture nominee I've seen this year. Django Unchained (which I think I enjoyed the most, but also recognize that it isn't necessarily the better film) would be slightly behind those two, and Beasts of the Southern Wild after that. Probably going to watch Lincoln tomorrow since all I've heard that it is supposedly the favorite to win the Oscar, but I have doubts that I'll enjoy it as much as I did Argo & Silver Linings.
Lincoln is no where near as good as either Argo or Silver Linings. It is very good, but they are getting a bit too worked up about how good it is.
Two things that Lincoln is missing which severely handicap it in relation to SLP:

1) Jennifer Lawrence
2) Yoga pants
A Good Day To Die Hard

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Kept me entertained for a couple of hours, had some pretty neat stunts/special effects and of course the epic one-liners. Excellent.
Finally watched Men in black III. Not as disappointed as I was with the second but the original is always the best. I feel if there is a MIB 4 they should do a darker approach, with humour still in it. MIB 3 just felt a tad over childish. However the ending was sad at the rocket launch.
Cloud Atlas

Wasn't sure if I'd like this but it turns out I loved it. It was really odd and tangled and you never really knew how it'd all tie up, if at all. I thought the cast were incredible (Hugo Weaving as a woman <3 funniest thing ever). I thought it just looked stunning too and the visual effects were seamless <3

If you can get to a screening I highly recommend it.
Escape from Planet Earth

Creative kid movie that wasn't awful. I laughed a few times. Definitely better than a lot of the crap Pixar has.


21 & Over

Maybe it caught me in a good mood (hardly) but I loved it. Not as stupid, collegey drinky time to show tits movie I thought it would be, but it was really funny and had some great moments. Original for a movie that's basically been done so many times. A lot of it did remind me of old times with friends too.

peep said:
Cloud Atlas

Wasn't sure if I'd like this but it turns out I loved it. It was really odd and tangled and you never really knew how it'd all tie up, if at all. I thought the cast were incredible (Hugo Weaving as a woman <3 funniest thing ever). I thought it just looked stunning too and the visual effects were seamless <3

If you can get to a screening I highly recommend it.

I LOVED Cloud Atlas, it was awesome.

Hugo Weaving in a dress is nothing new though ;)

I fell in love with Ben Whishaw all over again, and it was all awesome. So clever.

People that don't like it are dumb.
Finally saw Flight

Great film, I thought the flight sequence was very tense and extremely well directed. Hopefully this means Robert Zemeckis will continue to make decent live action films again.
MORE films. Stoker

I thought this film was brilliant, it was just so weird and quirky. The cinema I saw it in was uber loud too (didn't stop someone from somehow sleeping at the back - the hell?) which just showed off the amazing audio even more. Great stuff and I recommend others to go see it.

Oz: The Great and Powerful

Saw this in 3D and in a D-Box seat. I went in thinking I'd hate it and left the screening with a big grin. I loved it. The music was amazing (Danny Elfman <3 ), the 3D effects were actually quite clever and well used and the special effects were very nice. The cast were great even if I didn't think Zach Braff's voice worked for one of the characters. Mila Kunis <3 Rachel Weisz <3 Michelle Williams <3 So oddly enough I find myself recommending this film to all and also recommend the 3D!

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

It's turd. But in that action film with no brains kinda way. So if you love a good little action flick that has witches and plot twists you can see a mile off this is for you!
peep said:
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

It's turd. But in that action film with no brains kinda way. So if you love a good little action flick that has witches and plot twists you can see a mile off this is for you!

Not to mention MASS CLEAVAGE
Re: "Now Showing"

^ I refuse to see it. I'm really sick of these new takes on fairytales. Just do an adult, gothic treatment of the original stories and they would be AMAZING. Such a wasted opportunity.
Seen a few films of late, all good which makes a change!

Watched Argo first;
My initial thoughts going into this was it was going to be content heavy and hard to keep up with. But I was wrong, it was a good film, I enjoyed how the fast paced nature never gave you time to breathe or play catch up, you had to take facts in then and there. Almost like the hostages and the Americans were receiving news like. It was intense at times, the cinematography was lovely to look at. Apart from the inaccuracies and the ridiculous plane chase at the end (wtf was that) it was a good film.

Next up was Wreck-it Ralph, since my friend was going on about it all day!

I loved it, the little jokes here and there made it so fun to watch! My favourite little joke was the Oreo guards playing on the Wizard of Oz guards. It was so charming and fun to watch which is why it flew by so quickly! Don't think there's much to be said that no one else has said. Just superb, had a smile on my face at the end.

Last was Django Unchained, never watch a Tarantino film (well I tried Inglorious Basterds) but thought I'd give this a try as I heard so much about it. But I was not dissapointed, it was thoroughly impressed by how entertaining it was! The slick humour and slick performances by everyone involved was a delight, Jamie Foxx and Christopher Waltz owned the screen everytime they were on it by their sheer presence. The music and cinematography topped the film off for me, it was so well done and worked together beautifully! Did not have any problems with the dialogue, it's probably how casual words were spoken back then however damming they are now. The ridiculous two final gunfights had me laughing for some reason!
But a fantastic film which everyone should see!
peep said:
Oz: The Great and Powerful

Saw this in 3D and in a D-Box seat. I went in thinking I'd hate it and left the screening with a big grin. I loved it. The music was amazing (Danny Elfman <3 ), the 3D effects were actually quite clever and well used and the special effects were very nice. The cast were great even if I didn't think Zach Braff's voice worked for one of the characters. Mila Kunis <3 Rachel Weisz <3 Michelle Williams <3 So oddly enough I find myself recommending this film to all and also recommend the 3D!

How is what I want to know? It was not that good. Raimi was a HORRIBLE choice for director. The CG was pathetic at points, and bestides for Zach Braff and whoever the blonde witch was, it was horribly cast. I cracked up when the witches "turned" or whatever because it was the most ridiculous thing ever. Franco did an awful job, not convincing at all, and Mila Kunis was ridiculous because I just kept picturing Meg from family guy after the apple scene.

Worst part is they already green lit a sequel, meaning we have to suffer a Spiderman 2 experience with Raimi all over again. He needs to stick to horror movies, there was no reason for him to direct this. If anything, I didn't see it in 3D but 3D is **** anyways. It was far from the worst movie, and I went in with meh expectations and it basically hit meh dead on with a hammer. If they would've altered the voices a bit, changed directors, and made it look not so Saturday morning cartoon, it would've been a lot better.
tomahawKSU said:
peep said:
Oz: The Great and Powerful

Saw this in 3D and in a D-Box seat. I went in thinking I'd hate it and left the screening with a big grin. I loved it. The music was amazing (Danny Elfman <3 ), the 3D effects were actually quite clever and well used and the special effects were very nice. The cast were great even if I didn't think Zach Braff's voice worked for one of the characters. Mila Kunis <3 Rachel Weisz <3 Michelle Williams <3 So oddly enough I find myself recommending this film to all and also recommend the 3D!

How is what I want to know? It was not that good. Raimi was a HORRIBLE choice for director. The CG was pathetic at points, and bestides for Zach Braff and whoever the blonde witch was, it was horribly cast. I cracked up when the witches "turned" or whatever because it was the most ridiculous thing ever. Franco did an awful job, not convincing at all, and Mila Kunis was ridiculous because I just kept picturing Meg from family guy after the apple scene.

Worst part is they already green lit a sequel, meaning we have to suffer a Spiderman 2 experience with Raimi all over again. He needs to stick to horror movies, there was no reason for him to direct this. If anything, I didn't see it in 3D but 3D is **** anyways. It was far from the worst movie, and I went in with meh expectations and it basically hit meh dead on with a hammer. If they would've altered the voices a bit, changed directors, and made it look not so Saturday morning cartoon, it would've been a lot better.

No Raimi in the sequel

I loathe Raimi too. Not sure why you thinking of Meg when hearing Mila Kunis speak is a problem? I agree Franco wasn't great. However overall our opinions differ, what a shame.