Giga Poster
Here are mine 
Little Niles - Cat-O-Pillar - Paultons Park: My most ridden coaster easily, my parents would just leave me on here for hours, they would sit on a bench, chat, eat, read and every so often ask if I had enough but usually I would laugh and carry on, what a fun little coaster.
2002-2004 - Big Thunder Mountain - DP: Beautiful rollercoaster, and when I was little it fascinated me, I loved the other coasters in the park but this one stayed with me as an amazing ride.
2004-2006 - Duelling Dragons - IA: I really liked dragons and castles when I was little and this ride had great forces, theming and the duelling made it really special, oddly I think I preferred the ice side.
2006-2012 - Stealth - TP: First ride in the back was good but the front was amazing, it took my breath away and on a cold wet day me and my dad marathoned it getting front row rides over and over going on it about 12 times I think, that launch still holds up and I think the coaster is underrated but it is all about the front.
2012-2017 - Nemesis - AT: Always liked it but as I got older I appreciated it more and more, a night ride after a long day of the coaster warming up finally put it on top and its still my No1 in the UK......sadly
2017-2018 - Ghostrider - Knotts: Truly amazing woodie, it had been re-tracked not to long ago and it was so smooth and forceful, on the day we went it was a walk on all day and when flying through the timbers something clicked and I wondered if people enjoyed coasters as much as I do leading me here, so it hold a special place for me as the coaster that made me become an enthusiast.
4/6/2018 - 8/6/2018 - Skyrush - Hersheypark: I had never had anything come close to this in force, it left me shaken and have no words, truly an unbelievable creation, however it only lasted 4 days as my No1
8/6/18-Current - Steel Vengance - CP: Not sure what I can say that has not been said already, i just hope you can get on it at some point, its unbelievably brilliant.

Little Niles - Cat-O-Pillar - Paultons Park: My most ridden coaster easily, my parents would just leave me on here for hours, they would sit on a bench, chat, eat, read and every so often ask if I had enough but usually I would laugh and carry on, what a fun little coaster.
2002-2004 - Big Thunder Mountain - DP: Beautiful rollercoaster, and when I was little it fascinated me, I loved the other coasters in the park but this one stayed with me as an amazing ride.
2004-2006 - Duelling Dragons - IA: I really liked dragons and castles when I was little and this ride had great forces, theming and the duelling made it really special, oddly I think I preferred the ice side.
2006-2012 - Stealth - TP: First ride in the back was good but the front was amazing, it took my breath away and on a cold wet day me and my dad marathoned it getting front row rides over and over going on it about 12 times I think, that launch still holds up and I think the coaster is underrated but it is all about the front.
2012-2017 - Nemesis - AT: Always liked it but as I got older I appreciated it more and more, a night ride after a long day of the coaster warming up finally put it on top and its still my No1 in the UK......sadly
2017-2018 - Ghostrider - Knotts: Truly amazing woodie, it had been re-tracked not to long ago and it was so smooth and forceful, on the day we went it was a walk on all day and when flying through the timbers something clicked and I wondered if people enjoyed coasters as much as I do leading me here, so it hold a special place for me as the coaster that made me become an enthusiast.
4/6/2018 - 8/6/2018 - Skyrush - Hersheypark: I had never had anything come close to this in force, it left me shaken and have no words, truly an unbelievable creation, however it only lasted 4 days as my No1
8/6/18-Current - Steel Vengance - CP: Not sure what I can say that has not been said already, i just hope you can get on it at some point, its unbelievably brilliant.
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