Most Obnoxious Member 2016
When you first got on that coaster that was either just built at your home park or you traveled across the globe to ride, notable first rides are something that tend to stick with me. Maybe the conditions were just right to get me the best ride it could possibly dish out on my first go, maybe all your excitement was anticlimactic because something unspeakably horrible happened to ruin your first go, maybe you didn't even remember the ride because something so hilarious happened that you were focused on the new story you had to tell. Which first ride was your best ever? Which was your worst ever? Which was the most...interesting?
Best: Fury 325. Connor and I had been in the car all day driving from Ohio to Charlotte, the drive was annoying to the both of us with how hyped we were to get on the thing, and we were making awful time. By the time we rolled in, the sun was starting to go down and turned the sky that beautiful orangey-peachy color you get when it goes down just right. So we walk in, this big B&M is absolutely shredding the plaza as we walk in, noise is deafening, after all that drive the stage was set to finally ride this thing. Our first ride was a colorful sunset ride after all the lighting effects had turned on and MAN was it gorgeous! Riding that awesome ride for the first time in that perfect lighting, getting to the top of the lift as it slowed down and seeing the Charlotte skyline behind the setting sun, and all the cool green lights adding to those surprisingly powerful ejector hills at the end. The whole thing was so memorable, easily my single greatest first ride on anything.
Worst: Boulder Smash. I rode this in 2016, a year it was supposedly not doing too well, and I believe it. But to make it worse, my group decided to go for the very back and sit right on the wheel seat. I had heard so many great things about this coaster but based on that ride alone, it was about to go in my bottom ten. We fortunately decided to grit it out and deal with Parques Reunidos ops once more to ride up front. Haven't ridden it since, hopefully the help it got from M&V did wonders because it needed them.
Interesting... I have two.
Twisted Cyclone- I rode this on Media Day so I elected to style my hair before going to the park, knowing I would likely be on TV. My first ride on this RMC beauty was live televised on Knoxville's local news, something I've never done before. Turns out they get the train checked and cleared but hold it for several minutes while waiting for their TV spot, so you're sitting there strapped in for a good six minutes before they start speaking into the camera and then dispatch the train. Got a sunrise rain ride in the back with another RMC Connoisseurs member so that was nice, but remember the rain? Yeah it washed the product right out of my hair and into my eyes, so my eyes have chemicals in them while it's twisting and turning around all these tight elements, turning my hair into a gloppy mess. This day was incredible, unforgettable, the coaster is amazing, but what it did to my hair will never be forgotten!
Boardwalk Bullet- The novelty of this experience started with the awful operations, two guys on the whole coaster running one train with no sense of urgency while the station is pretty full. So Ben and I take the back, it's a nice sunset on the Gulf of Mexico...and then in walks these two teenage boys. Both had obviously been using drugs before getting there, both were being as obnoxious as humanly possible, and both sit down right in front of us. Spent the whole time yelling vulgar language and insults at other guests to the point that it actually kind of distractedus from the relentless pacing as the balls to the wall Gravity Group we were on wound endlessly around itself. After the ride one of them tried to pick a fight with Ben to which he shut them down, walking away we saw them antagonize this man and woman on the exit ramp leading him to turn around and say something very vulgar about one of their mothers, sending them packing. I told him we should speak to security about what had just happened, we went to the photo booth thinking they could call security for us to let them know these troublemakers were in the park, but Kemah was being Kemah and he simply didn't care.
Post yours!
Best: Fury 325. Connor and I had been in the car all day driving from Ohio to Charlotte, the drive was annoying to the both of us with how hyped we were to get on the thing, and we were making awful time. By the time we rolled in, the sun was starting to go down and turned the sky that beautiful orangey-peachy color you get when it goes down just right. So we walk in, this big B&M is absolutely shredding the plaza as we walk in, noise is deafening, after all that drive the stage was set to finally ride this thing. Our first ride was a colorful sunset ride after all the lighting effects had turned on and MAN was it gorgeous! Riding that awesome ride for the first time in that perfect lighting, getting to the top of the lift as it slowed down and seeing the Charlotte skyline behind the setting sun, and all the cool green lights adding to those surprisingly powerful ejector hills at the end. The whole thing was so memorable, easily my single greatest first ride on anything.

Worst: Boulder Smash. I rode this in 2016, a year it was supposedly not doing too well, and I believe it. But to make it worse, my group decided to go for the very back and sit right on the wheel seat. I had heard so many great things about this coaster but based on that ride alone, it was about to go in my bottom ten. We fortunately decided to grit it out and deal with Parques Reunidos ops once more to ride up front. Haven't ridden it since, hopefully the help it got from M&V did wonders because it needed them.
Interesting... I have two.
Twisted Cyclone- I rode this on Media Day so I elected to style my hair before going to the park, knowing I would likely be on TV. My first ride on this RMC beauty was live televised on Knoxville's local news, something I've never done before. Turns out they get the train checked and cleared but hold it for several minutes while waiting for their TV spot, so you're sitting there strapped in for a good six minutes before they start speaking into the camera and then dispatch the train. Got a sunrise rain ride in the back with another RMC Connoisseurs member so that was nice, but remember the rain? Yeah it washed the product right out of my hair and into my eyes, so my eyes have chemicals in them while it's twisting and turning around all these tight elements, turning my hair into a gloppy mess. This day was incredible, unforgettable, the coaster is amazing, but what it did to my hair will never be forgotten!

Boardwalk Bullet- The novelty of this experience started with the awful operations, two guys on the whole coaster running one train with no sense of urgency while the station is pretty full. So Ben and I take the back, it's a nice sunset on the Gulf of Mexico...and then in walks these two teenage boys. Both had obviously been using drugs before getting there, both were being as obnoxious as humanly possible, and both sit down right in front of us. Spent the whole time yelling vulgar language and insults at other guests to the point that it actually kind of distractedus from the relentless pacing as the balls to the wall Gravity Group we were on wound endlessly around itself. After the ride one of them tried to pick a fight with Ben to which he shut them down, walking away we saw them antagonize this man and woman on the exit ramp leading him to turn around and say something very vulgar about one of their mothers, sending them packing. I told him we should speak to security about what had just happened, we went to the photo booth thinking they could call security for us to let them know these troublemakers were in the park, but Kemah was being Kemah and he simply didn't care.
Post yours!