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Enthusiast Annoyances

peep said:
^Lol, so true.

Snoo said:
^Well lets be honest.. we are all guilty of it.

Yeah, but to an acceptable extent. I think some people take it too far.

I'm very guilty of being a fanboy but not to the extent of refusing to say anything bad about certain parks etc or refusing to admit that another coaster is better than what I'm fangasming over at the time.

Exactly the same feelings towards fanboys.. I'm for an extent.. yeah I can understand loving something.. but lord almighty dont be so narrowminded.
15. The phrase "Look at the video, it's practically crawling over/through...".

Guys, be more original! It turns up in every construction topic as soon as the first videos are out! Even with the italicised "crawling"! Come on, use synonyms if you find it difficult to write something more original than "practically crawling".

16. The inability to express satisfaction with anything less than a super-amazing airtime machine with tremendous forces in every possible direction. Come on, coasters are meant to be the things we enjoy so much that we're willing to spend time on an Internet forum discussing them. How can you possibly call yourself an enthusiast if you do nothing but moan about the 90% of coasters that don't stand up to your favourite rides?
18 - People who post photos of coasters, without telling you what the coaster is (particularly when it isn't obvious), or who talk about a coaster which exists in more than one park, without saying which one they mean.

eg - "Goliath is awesome"
or "This is my favourite"
caffeine_demon said:
18 - People who post photos of coasters, without telling you what the coaster is (particularly when it isn't obvious), or who talk about a coaster which exists in more than one park, without saying which one they mean.

eg - "Goliath is awesome"
or "This is my favourite"


I totally forgot about that.
19. People who insist that real enthusiasts must put their hands in the air on rides, the whole way round. Some of us enjoy rides much more with our hands holding onto the restraints, thankyou.
STC said:
19. People who insist that real enthusiasts must put their hands in the air on rides, the whole way round. Some of us enjoy rides much more with our hands holding onto the restraints, thankyou.

20. "It's a Vekoma, it WILL be rough and ride like ****". Especially when these people have not even been on the coaster. Some Vekomas are REALLY painful and should be scrapped, but there are some others that are well-kept or better designed than older models...
marc said:
21. Nickname like nemie, collie, swarmie

I dunno, Mantis-the-manhater, Draggin' Iron, amd MilF are some good ones...

This is just a personal gripe, and Im not picking out anyone for it, but it bugs the hell out of me when enthuiasts wear shirts of rides. It really makes us stick out and makes it look luke "oh, we know we're better than you, just look what we rode!"

Granted, in some cases its more acceptable, like running out of clothes or needing a quick change. I know Im guilty of this, too.

Sent while out and about
What's wrong with them? People spend lots to have a big name of their shirts. Why can't we have the same with Parks/rides?
22. The person while in line who corrects everyone if they say something wrong about a ride, be it height, speed, whatever. Yeah, I'm sure it happens occasionally, but some people will listen in on conversations just to correct people. Really, can you make us look any nerdier?
Posting for the sake of it to get your post count up, This really bug's me! there are people on here who have been posting less than a year and have thousands of posts to their names, yet all they post is Sh1t! they don't add anything to the discussion, just nod and agree, or repeat another member. I've posted what? 250 times in 3 years, I don't see the point in posting unless I have something to add to the topic, maybe others could follow suit?
Darren B said:
Posting for the sake of it to get your post count up, This really bug's me! there are people on here who have been posting less than a year and have thousands of posts to their names, yet all they post is Sh1t! they don't add anything to the discussion, just nod and agree, or repeat another member. I've posted what? 250 times in 3 years, I don't see the point in posting unless I have something to add to the topic, maybe others could follow suit?

I agree!! :lol:
Gavin, this topic is the best <3 Ok, so:

Holier-than-thou enthusiasts for instance: "You LIKE Hydra? What in the hell are you smoking, that ride is TERRIBLE'"
"Yes, but, I enjoyed i-"

Lol, like, I don't care? And I enjoyed the stand-up Togo at KD and I don't care who knows it!

I hate the enthusiast attitude that the GP are stupid assholes who don't know anything, and the attitude than parks should treat enthusiasts like they're the Pope or something? Nah, face it, we're just geeks who congregate in large numbers ;] What's worse is when you get chatting to some GP at a park (especially when we're in a large group) and they'll say something like....I dunno, they've been on Bizarro at SFNE, which is the tallest in the world! Like, yeah, it's horrifically wrong but I tend to just let people get on with it. I don't see the point of being like no that's wrong, so and so is the biggest and I've been on it and blah blah. They were just trying to have harmless conversation and it turns it into this like....weird elitist issue now. Nah.

When enthusiasts big up a ride to the point that it becomes ludicrous, only leading to obvious disappointment.

Ill-informed opinions, which people then use to argue something. Such things as which is better SheiKra or Oblivion, well SheiKra must be better because it's higher. Urgh.
Clapping on the brake run... It's just so cheesey! Thankfully it doesn't happen that much any more, but some of those old TV shows that had trains full of enthusiasts were awful to watch! :P
^That's definitely a CF gripe I think. Like, I'm not saying we're 'cool' by any means but we're quintessentially very British as a group and therefore any obvious emotional reaction to anything is incredibly cringeworthy and awkward for us. I think we're very (at least I am) aware of how geeky our hobby is, and of course in some ways we embrace that but there's no need for excessive things like clapping that would only serve to further reinforce the geeky image of the coaster enthusiast ;]
Judging which seat on a roller coaster is best without riding the coaster first.Or riding the other seats.
Ex: OMG Leviathan is gonna be so awesome in the back!
Ex: Friend: Behemoth is the best in the back!
Me: Have you ridden in the front?
Friend: No but you go faster in the back!
Me: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
nadroJ said:
^That's definitely a CF gripe I think. Like, I'm not saying we're 'cool' by any means but we're quintessentially very British as a group and therefore any obvious emotional reaction to anything is incredibly cringeworthy and awkward for us. I think we're very (at least I am) aware of how geeky our hobby is, and of course in some ways we embrace that but there's no need for excessive things like clapping that would only serve to further reinforce the geeky image of the coaster enthusiast ;]
I hadn't actually thought of it like that. Yeah, maybe it is out British attitude to public displays of emotion generally. :lol: