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Enthusiast Annoyances

^Well then that's that theory gone to pot then haha XD I dunno, maybe it's like Joey says and it's just what people anticipate. I'm the same as you Joey, I stick my head out as far as possible as it makes for a more comfortable ride for me.

I think the only restraints I actually detest are the wing rider ones because they make me fee really claustrophobic in the way they grip around the chest area, I find it really really uncomfortable, and yet others go on about them being the most comfortable thing ever? Crazy.
Ben could hardly ever be described as having a "beefy" body type though :P
-Overly critical enthuiasts: I don't mind hearing someone's general criticism of a coaster/park, but when someone is critical to the point where they can't have any fun at all, it may be time to find a new hobby.

-Enthuiasts that think the parks owe them something: Just because you visit the park every week and have been on a certain ride hundreds of times does not entitle you to special treatment. Acting like this just comes across as snobby and rude.