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Dollywood |"Wild Eagle"| B&M Wing Coaster

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Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

^ Not an Immelmann but a dive-loop, as mall dip after the lift, then a 180° twist and a 180 ft half loop after that.
I haven't seen any info that it will have a 220 ft drop, only that it will be that tall.

Intricks said:
Possibly, but as I stated above, the train goes through too slowly as a floorless in No Limits (about 10mph). Since I really dont know how much drag those trains trully give, I went with a simple 10mph variant (could be higher, could be lower). It could make it at 150-160 easily, 180 is too high for the Wingrider train to go through without worry of a rollback happening. Give it a tire boost right before to get it up ro 80-85mph and the ride will be fine then.

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Whilst this makes sense in theory, have you actually thought through how unlikely that is? Not only is it a MASSIVE problem with reliability (they couldn't risk every possible power glitch causing a train to valley), but it's also not going to happen because it's not the sort of thing B&M do. They didn't even build the launch on Hulk, they're never going to consider putting in a set of high speed kicker-wheels at the bottom of the drop.

Seriously, that isn't going to happen. :roll:
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

I'm sure that the designers have already got their No Limits model produced and worked it all out and used it to make their engineering plans... Wait? They don't use No Limits because as good as it is, it's not actually real world accurate and you need to use different, professional software to calculate it all out and degrees in engineering and mathematics? Damn, they could have had anyone making coasters for them for years!!! ;)

There is no way in this physical universe that B&M have designed a coaster with a loop that a train can't make it around and need to "stick in a tyre boost to make sure it does". Off the lift, this coaster will only use the initial energy to make it around the track, 100% guaranteed.

Pretty much also guaranteed is that the inversion (if there is one, if it's a Wingrider) will be either a dive loop or immelman due to the width of the trains.

While we're ripping apart stupid things... "The sky is not the limit" as a tagline? The sky isn't actually in any way shape or form even an option for a coaster. What is the limit then? "Tensile strength and steel costs are the ONLY limits!" may not be the best tagline, but at least it isn't vague and woolly ;) :p

Does anyone think this is a side project for B&M? They were originally brought in to make a new wonder-bra for Dolly? They managed to construct a new coaster out of left over underwiring.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

^^^Ah...my image of a dive loop is of going more or less like Mantis. From what has been posted, it is said to be a Boulder Dash ride down the hillside and into the inversion.

^^I know that wont happen. Unlike other companies, B&M thinks things through and wouldnt do something haphazzard like that, eapecially on what I would consider a prototype (WI Hyper) due to Raptor only being at 108 with a drop at less than that it seems (idk the actual specs for the drop height, but it looks shorter than the lift). Was only saying that would have been my answer to the solution if it had to have the 180ft supposed inversion. I see a realistic height of about 150 though. Also, that is something I did not know about Hulk. I figured B&M did that as a prototype and just didnt feel like making another.

^Well, all I have is No Limits (Newton2 as well, but im not sure how that works still) seeing as how I am not a professional designer. So, I gotta use what I have available. Im certain they do have it all worked out.

Now, as to ripping apart the slogan for this ride, that could mean instead of building it up high into the sky, why not keep it down and on the ground. Surely, that gives you another type of ride than your typical coaster. Since building up into the sky isnt the only way to go, the sky really isnt the limit to design coasters.

As to the bra thing. Ha! You made a funny :)
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

So what you're saying is "The sky is not the limit" means "we're limited to the ground"? ;) :lol:
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

Precisely my dear Watson lol. But seriously, think about it. I only know of one coaster (in the US) that trully sticks to the ground, Boulder Dash (I know of Ultimate at Lightwatr Valley, but doesnt a lift or two go off the ground?).

That being said, we technically limit ourselves to thinking that a very good rollercoaster is one that is never seems to stay on the ground for too long. We always build higher up into the sky, hence we seriously limit ourselves to that way of thinking when it comes to concept of a ride. By building it along the ground where it will swoop in between the trees, bushes and Fabio will hit a deer this time round, we are breaking a self imposed "limit" on how we design excellent coasters.

Just my thoughts on the slogan is all.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

^Prowler hugs the terrain virtually the entire time after the lift, but I get your point. Something else I find funny is how a maintenance guy knows of Boulder Dash and Raptor, which are no where near Dollywood. I mean, quite easily he may, but from my experience, they know about the rides they work on, and not much more than that. If this guy made that entire story up, well he just blew up a couple forums for his own amusement.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

Oh, didnt know about Prowler! I would say give the info the benefit of the doubt until something official comes along. He was oddly specific about what kind if coaster this was (the one that just opened in italy) and seemed completely flabbergasted by the term Wingrider/wing walker. The coaster community may not know everything there is out there, but they do know whats big. Raptor was a HUGE step for B&M. I think the man was being honest to an extent. The markers seem to add up to what they got told, so....go with that til an offical announcement or Dollywood drcides to grace us with her bosom (and prescence) and either confirm of deny what the guy said.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

I don't see why a loop on a roller coaster with wide trains is impossible just because of the wide trains. All you have to do is make the entrance and exit a bit further apart. If you mess around in No Limits with different size loops and stretch the entrance and exit apart, you will see that it will still look like a loop until they get fairly far apart. With a loop that's 180 feet high, I bet they could be 20-30 feet apart, which is plenty of clearance for a wing coaster, and it will still look pretty normal.

Also, about the aerodynamics of the trains. I'm willing to bet that the wing coaster trains are more aerodynamic because they look like...well, wings. The main chassis is relatively thin and streamlined and the seats are next to the track. Looking at a floorless coaster, there's just seats on top of the main chassis. I would think that the floorless trains act more as a wall, creating a sail effect like driving with your windows down on the highway.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012


I like you. You make sense.

Honestly, I don't give a **** whether this thing as big inversions or not as long as it is indeed a wingrider and it's in dollywood. ;)
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

With a wider loop with these wider trains, you add a lot of additional forces all over the place, it becomes a kind of semi-corkscrew. Though, I don't have No Limits so I can't really comment, but I'm absolutely sure that as it's the tool of use in the industry, they will have also tried it, seen it worked and added it to the portfolio.

Or maybe people are getting the idea that No Limits is actually just a game and can only give you vaguest of ideas of a potential range of forces and movements possible, but in engineering terms is the equivalent of opening a greengrocer that sells nothing but pigs trotters.

Okay, we really don't know what is going on here, just beware that No Limits adds absolutely nothing to any theories or possible engineering designs.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

We're talking an extra 2 or 3 meters clearance on a 55 meter tall loop.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

^ Because the loop would be so big, the gap wouldn't actually look that much out of place really. Though like most people are saying, I doubt it will be a loop.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

^ Why would it, you just need as much clearance between the tracks so that one side can clear between the two, no more...
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

This reminds me of that ridiculous "dive machine loop" conversation a while back. Have we seen a loop on Dive Machine yet?

Didn't think so.

Anyway, we still don't know that this even is a wing rider, since there's next to nothing to go on yet.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

Martyn B said:
^ Because the loop would be so big, the gap wouldn't actually look that much out of place really. Though like most people are saying, I doubt it will be a loop.

Yeah, that was exactly what I meant. The loop would in no way be more "corkscrew-ish" than some of the smaller loops b&m have built. And yea, I'd also doubt it'd be a loops, but I am most definitively hoping it will be! :angel:
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

I actually do believe it was a confirmed Wing Rider (outside of the code printed on the track itself) due to a pic that had to be removed from Amusement Park Authority. Something about internal documents or something.
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

hm im still betting this could be any sort of terrain coaster but the b&m wing rider thing seems likely.
any news about when they will be announcing all the official details?
Re: "Unknown" - B&M Wingrider (possible) for Dollywood 2012

It will be announced on September 4th.

On a side note a rumour (from Screamscape) says that the coaster might get the name "Wild Eagle" or something similar, which correspond with Ian's guess that the coaster is going to be eagle themed.
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