That's simply not true. Medical treatment is either completely free or available for a nominal charge in the majority of EU countries (the Czech Republic charges a massive £2.91 for emergency treatment, for example). The only outlier is France, where you pay 30% of medical fees and 20% of hospital fees.
Let’s hope you’re visiting Czech then... because every country is different... Lets use your example of France... France you pay at least 20% of hospital fees, plus an additional 20EUR per day, this in itself can run into 1000s, for other care sectors, doctors, dental treatment it’s 30%. And, as you alluded to, if you’re in an accident that requires rescue, such as a mountain rescue whilst skiing, you are liable for the entire cost.
In Germany you pay 10% ambulance costs, 10% hospital therapy fees + 10EUR per day, and 10% of medicine / prescription costs... Again potentially adding up to 1000s
In Spain you pay 50% of the medication costs. Could get pricey depending what medication you need.
These are not ‘nominal fees’ And in some cases will add up to a lot of money. Really worth it for a saving of £10 per trip or £60 for a year if you travel a lot?
Shop around.
These dudes will fly your body back to Blighty from France for £3,800. Or just get buried where you die.
Hardly disproves my point, still a lot of money, and France is our closest neighbour!
You're coflating two different issues here. The government have advised against travelling abroad due to the coronavirus. But the government advice regarding having both an EHIC and travel insurance is only to cover private treatment abroad.
I didn't claim it was a zero risk course of action. But it is a very minimal risk. The chances of me needing a mountain rescue or hold space for my body are really low.
I am not confusing two issues at all, the government advise travel insurance AT ALL TIMES for more than just ‘private treatment.’ The government have also advised against travelling abroad, meaning you’re unlikely to get travel insurance. Both of those 2 factors combined should mean that, right now, whilst it is still possible to travel to some places, people shouldn’t...
And as this hardly relates to the topic, we should continue this discussion in DM’s, feel free to respond to me there, as I won’t be replying here

(I’ve already pushed the boundaries of what is relevant in this thread enough myself!!! ?)