Nicky Borrill
Strata Poster
I think you missed my point. Nobody can travel abroad with insurance whilst the FCO is advising against "all but essential travel". What I'm saying is that (for me, at least), the main reason for travel insurance is cover for medical emergencies. You don't need that (for now, at least!) if travelling within the EU.
Sure, you're not going to be covered for theft or lost bags etc. but those sort of things are of minor concern compared to medical coverage.
An EHIC only offers the same level of medical cover as the citizens of the member state you are visiting receive for free... Not all member states even offer free medical care across the board, and others that do often work differently to the NHS, with some requiring at least some payment up front and a percentage of the costs reimbursed back to you upon receipt of a completed application form.
Travel insurance with full medical cover is advised when travelling anywhere, including within the EU... Just thought that was worth pointing out.
Edited to add:

Applying for healthcare cover abroad (GHIC and EHIC)
Find out if you're eligible to apply for a new UK EHIC or UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC).

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