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Coasters you would love to achieve a milestone on

Matt N

CF Legend
Hi guys. As we have the Milestone Coasters in Your Count thread, I thought it might be interesting to discuss coasters that we'd like to get a milestone on in the future. I'll get the ball rolling with coasters I'd particularly like to get a milestone on:
  • Steel Vengeance - I don't think this one needs much of an explanation...
  • Shambhala - I'd personally love to get a milestone on Shambhala because I love Mako, and Shambhala is often said to be the best B&M hyper, so it would seem kind of poignant for me.
  • Any world record breaker - Even though they may say that stats aren't everything, it would seem very poignant to me to ride a world record breaker like Kingda Ka or Formula Rossa for a big milestone.
I have many more, but those are just the ones that came to me off the top of my head. But what coasters would you guys love as a milestone?
Either something notable and iconic (e.g. Troy, Nitro etc.) or something terrible like a Go Gator just the the fun of it. Mostly by accident, I've currently got good coasters for my 100th and 200th milestones and got a terrible coaster for 150 and likely getting something terrible for 250, should try and keep this pattern going... (only started counting at 80ish so no idea what 50 was)
Jugdging on my current count and with my current plans for the next few years, I'm considering trying to Big Thunder Mountain at DLP as my 100th. It may not be the biggest ride in the world, but if I also tried to make it my first ever Disney ride, it'd be nice and symbolic. Or I could make it my first Wacky Worm. So many choices.
I don't think it's unreasonable to think that I could get Zadra as my 500th. That would be rather sexy, and would mean my 400th and 500th would be in the same park o_O
I want to make my #200 something in Europe — I hear there’s this cool little ride called Taron, that sounds intriguing ;)

On a more serious note, I’d love to reach a milestone on Steel Vengeance when I get around to returning to the Point. DC Rivals is extremely high on my bucket list, as are Python in Bamboo Forest, Hakugei, Kärnan, Expedition GeForce, Helix, Flying Dinosaur, Wonder Woman: Golden Lasso Coaster, Soaring With Dragon as well as the aforementioned Steel Vengeance. Any coaster high on my bucket list is also one I’d love to hit a milestone on.
My #100 was on Steve, so I doubt much else can live up to a milestone like that lol.

I still have a ways away before I hit 200. I think I'll be close after my summer trip, but I don't think I'll crack it. I really don't have any current plans for 2020 so I really don't know what I could do for that one.
Milestone coasters aren't really a thing for me. The vast majority have happened without me realising and have been worked out after the fact, so most of them are s**t. Millennium Coaster being number 1,000 was mostly luck, but semi organised in that I figured out that 1,000 would be at that park. Otherwise, if I do realise they're coming, I deliberately try to make them a bit s**t now.
Milestone coasters aren't really a thing for me.
Same here (albeit I have had a lot fewer milestones than you!). I arrived at Energylandia on 246 but there was no way I was waiting until I'd ticked off 3 lesser creds before getting on Hyperion.

Some of my other creds that were milestones at the time now no longer occupy the same spot in my list because I have changed my own rules on what I do and don't count over the years.

Millennium Coaster being number 1,000 was mostly luck, but semi organised
Ha that is very appropriate, well played!
I always end up buggering up my milestones because I forget things that I've done! Tried to get Olympia for one and it ended up being wrong, same with wild one, ended up being apocalypse haha.

In terms of realistic milestones, I'm coming up to 450th, likely at Canada's Wonderland or Michigan's adventure so the best ones from those are probably Leviathan/Behemoth/Shivering timbers. Then later on in the trip I'll hopefully get 500 which looks like it might fall at either Stricker's grove (if we can get in) or Darien Lake. Or the kiddie at CP but I kind of CBA with that haha.

In a dreamworld (i.e. anywhere in the world), I'd probably like Hyperion, magnum force, bullet, flying aces, X2 maybe or matterhorn bobs or something historic like that? Anything that's a bit special, particularly good or unique.

In terms of defunct creds, big bad wolf, eagle fortress or thriller would have been good.
To be honest, my next proper milestone (#400) feels quite a way off. It certainly won't be this year, might even be a push to get it next year... I dunno, Dollywood, possibly, in which case I'd have to try for L'Rod? But yeah, long way off, plans could change by then.
In the meantime, I've got a more personal milestone coming up - my next B&M will be my 50th so I'm rather hoping it will be Fenix, cos if it isn't it will end up being one of those crappy San Francisco ones. :(
Wanna hear what a nice, selfless goon I am? Well, I just got back from Japan where I was geared up to get my 600th at Nagashima Spa Land.

But I needed 10 creds in the park to get to 600. And I wasn't on my own.

So out of the sheer goodness of my heart (and fear of RMC spite!) I agreed to ride Hakugei first so we could deffo get the cred, and made Ultra Twister my 600th instead.

This is fitting because a few of my milestones have been of the 'wacky' variety (500 - Wonder Mountains Guardian, 300 - Vild Svignet, 100 - Euro Mir)

So I'd like my 700th to be something equally unique but ultimately rubbish, to keep with the theme. Maybe that silly chicken-themed coaster, Wilde Hilde at Schwaben Park!
On track to hit #350 on X2 next month, so that's neat. Finally making it out to SFMM after like a decade of being a 'thoosie.
Also planning on hitting #400 in July. I so desperately want it to be on Steel Curtain but it'll probably end up being at Canada's Wonderland.
If I have learned how to math properly, 200 will be on Steel Vengeance in July, which would be a nice one to get it on.

I want 300 to be Eejanaika. X2 was the coaster that really made me the goon I am, so I feel that would be a good one. If I dont manage to fit 100 creds in between this July and next, Zadra is my next choice, followed closely by Black Mamba. Always been obsessed with that coaster for some reason.

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Honestly, I'm not completely fussed about going after specific coasters milestones. I just like to have a good or iconic ride take the spot, but I've never been "I want xxx coaster to be my 200th," regardless of location. I'd rather prioritize visiting good parks and getting good creds. Whenever I'm approaching a milestone, chances are I'm at a new park and I'll probably have a good option or two. That's how it's been for me in the past.

That being said, I could actually make Steel Vengeance be my 200th if I wanted to. Thing is I might pop in at Lakemont and Delgrosso's before I hit Cedar Point so with that I'll likely hit 200 before Vengeance anyway. Depending on the spite, my other options would be Phantom's Revenge, Steel Curtain (only if it's really good, personally would rather do PR), Kentucky Flyer, and Mystic Timbers. And honestly I'd be happy with any of those as my 200th (even Kentucky Flyer!).

If I sacked off Lakemont and Delgrosso's, Steel Vengeance at 200 could happen. Question is, do I want the better milestone? Or more creds? I kind of want more creds to be honest, especially if they're off the highway I'll be on anyway. ;)
Honestly, I'm not completely fussed about going after specific coasters milestones. I just like to have a good or iconic ride take the spot, but I've never been "I want xxx coaster to be my 200th," regardless of location. I'd rather prioritize visiting good parks and getting good creds. Whenever I'm approaching a milestone, chances are I'm at a new park and I'll probably have a good option or two. That's how it's been for me in the past.

That being said, I could actually make Steel Vengeance be my 200th if I wanted to. Thing is I might pop in at Lakemont and Delgrosso's before I hit Cedar Point so with that I'll likely hit 200 before Vengeance anyway. Depending on the spite, my other options would be Phantom's Revenge, Steel Curtain (only if it's really good, personally would rather do PR), Kentucky Flyer, and Mystic Timbers. And honestly I'd be happy with any of those as my 200th (even Kentucky Flyer!).

If I sacked off Lakemont and Delgrosso's, Steel Vengeance at 200 could happen. Question is, do I want the better milestone? Or more creds? I kind of want more creds to be honest, especially if they're off the highway I'll be on anyway. ;)

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Cuddles with Tom while we get our 200th on SV? ****, how could I resist that. :D

Lakemont and Delgrosso's is still kind of up in the air so I'll probably make that decision the day of. I'd have to hit them the same day as Kennywood, but maybe just sacking them off would make Kennywood a bit more relaxed for me.