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Coasterforce Quiz!!!


Hyper Poster
Yay, 8 in 91 seconds puts me in 6th place!

Does anybody know if I can change my name, because it still says ThorpeFanatic?


Mega Poster
That was so damn hard, i don't like harry potter, and grrrrrrr

7/10 rubbish time

And how come gavin and me got the same score and time , yet he got an extra point :( im better :p


CF Legend
CRAP! :shock:
I actually did well today.
Fastest person to score 8 today. :p

Furie, you should choose more often. :lol:


Giga Poster
7/10.... that topic was so WTF.... I mean anagrams and Harry Potter Mix-ups.... what a load of gobble-de-gooke...
That took me forever to complete! Ninety six seconds, because I didn't understand what the heck was going on and then I finally figured it out. I only got seven right, though.


Giga Poster
Only managed 4, took me a few questions in to realise the quiz was about anagrams. Thats my top 10 ranking down the drain.


Hyper Poster
OOhh bugger didn't realise It was in Leighs profile so the A-Kid score is Beans really so will let him do it in my profile for fairness to himm. If he gets less than I did then I will kill him slowly. 7/10 for Beans


CF Legend
7 today, which sucks as I knew the last question but changed my answer as I thought that it would be a trick question as it was too obvious. :lol: