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Coasterforce Quiz!!!


From CoasterForce
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Social Media Team
Emmmerrrr said:
<img src="http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/images/smiles/icon_censored.gif" alt="Censored" />! I had a lapse of concentration on the last one, making me three seconds behind Johnny. Boo.

That's ok, because I beat him by 8 seconds!


Hyper Poster
Arse! The quiz has just pwned me. 9/10, but it said I didn't answer the last question, but I clearly did, and correctly.
9/10, but I'm still somewhere near the middle in terms of the rankings, because it took me a while to answer the questions.

I got the one wrong about the last name. I so should've guessed Windsor, as that's the name of my city, which means it's obviously the most special answer!


Hyper Poster
A-Kid said:
6 / 10 today. I <img> up by doing it on Beans account.

I did it in A-Kids account and got 8/10 so just look at opposite results, teach him to use my computer and have a day off sick.


Giga Poster
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I got the one wrong about the last name. I so should've guessed Windsor, as that's the name of my city, which means it's obviously the most special answer!

That's why this game sucks.

My last question asked me who the first female prime minister of India was.

What the hell?


Hyper Poster
My last question was which plant can you not make a drink out of, answer was so easy I'd to read through it 5 times to make sure it wasn't a trick question.

Ther was no Indian PM question for me - or Windsor.


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Lain said:
My last question asked me who the first female prime minister of India was.

God, Lain. Don't you know who Indira Gandi (sp?) is?


Giga Poster
Ian said:
Lain said:
My last question asked me who the first female prime minister of India was.

God, Lain. Don't you know who Indira Gandi (sp?) is?

I never said I didn't know the answer, I was just pointing out that everyone gets different questions. :p


Staff member
Social Media Team
Bull ****. It's hardly a mixed literature quiz when 20% of the questions are from Stephen King's crappy Dark Tower series... bollocks.