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Coasterforce Quiz!!!


Hyper Poster
*learns to never second guess the questions*

9/10 stupid Koala question and me thinking I was clever


CF Legend
Got five out of ten and I am currently 15th. Which is pretty bad, as I thought I'd do well on todays. :D


Hyper Poster
6/10 for me today.

My knowledge on animals isn't the best, so I don't think that's too bad a score.


Staff member
Orlando Rocks said:
*learns to never second guess the questions*

9/10 stupid Koala question and me thinking I was clever

Nobody is listening to me are they?

Anyway, I didn't have a koala question, so it means we're all getting random questions, which means it's not exactly a fair comparison :)


Hyper Poster
furie said:
Nobody is listening to me are they?

What did you say? :lol:
(sorry for the lameness I just had to say it)

And you are complaining because.....?

You got full marks Furie



Hyper Poster
WTF it says I spent 140 seconds on today quiz? I spent 60 seconds at the most!

Still, 7/10 for me.


CF Legend
Woop, 9 out of 10 today, for once I actually did well!

I should have got all of them correct but for some odd reason I chose Katherin Hepburn instead of Meryl Streep on one of the questions. Meh, I'm still quite happy with my score.


Hyper Poster
Mine was weird today. First off the battery went dead in my mouse which explains my 200+ seconds. I guessed a few of the answers so 9/10 should be a good score, but the one I got wrong is the quote "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto"
It says I picked Raiders of the Lost Ark for my (wrong) answer.
There is no way......