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Celebrity Deaths 2009 Edition


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Rightyo, I've updated the scoreboard!

East Coast(er) General - 12
Mushroom - 8
mrclam - 6
AeRo - 5
Ollie - 4
Neal - 4
Ian - 3
Emmett - 2
Rush - 2
gavin - 2
Ben - 1
robbeal - 1

I guess it's easy for Jerry as he works in the news industry! Can anybody overtake him?

Don't forget that there's a mystery prize for the person with the most points at the end of the year, keep those famous people deaths comin'!


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
Beat me to it Ben, but it was suicide. He hung himself.

I'm holding off on posting here unless it goes over 24 hours without being mentioned. Since I work for a news agency it's slightly unfair. So way to go Aero, you just made it in time to get the cred. :wink:


CF Legend
Wasn't he engaging in... how to put this... extreme masturbation? Something to do with tying yourself up to think you'll die to have a bit of "fun"? Or is that something you know you can only do once, as it were?

Obviously, I'm not versed in sexual acts like that... but, that's what I read...


East Coast(er) General
Staff member
The Bangkok police reports made no mention of this. They were asked directly about it & said that they found no evidence to suggest anything but suicide.
Bangkok is well know for being able to solicit any sexual perversion you might have, so I doubt he would have had the need for self gratification.


CF Legend
^He'd tied some rope around "little David", which apparently is something you do in this fetish (there was a word for it, but, I don't remember it)

As I say, I don't entirely know, but, you could file that AS suicide, but, it's not intentional. So it would be accidental suicide... which is a paradox...


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
My-oh-my, they're droppin' like flies!

East Coast(er) General - 12
Mushroom - 8
mrclam - 6
AeRo - 5
Ollie - 5
Neal - 4
Ian - 3
Emmett - 2
Rush - 2
gavin - 2
Ben - 1
robbeal - 1
Lewis - 1
Taylor - 1
southend_marc - 1

We're only half way through the year and we've got cold December to come, so I'm expecting a surge towards the end of the year. Plenty to play for!


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Christ, you know you've failed when Taylor points it out.