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Antinos' Dev Topic [NL]


The Legend
Not a fan of the tunnel or the quick turn into the station.. might need to draw it out a bit more.. but other then that.. sex. <3


Strata Poster
I definitely think there's room for improvement. I myself like to see flyers that have a compact layout, but pack a big punch (much like Steel Falcon in the V1.7 update). From the little airhill beneath the lift and on I'm not a fan of, and I believe you can really improve that part of the layout.


Slut for Spinners
Marcus, explain what you mean by quick turn into the station. I don't think it's that quick.

Well, this is nearing completion:


I'll be releasing it tomorrow.


The Legend
It just seemed too tight to me. Of course.. at a slower speed.. doesn't really matter.


Staff member
Social Media Team
Very very nice!

The layout was great, I loved the first inversion thingy and the overbank under the lift was also really nice. The airtime hill and 'zero-g-roll' over the station were great too. The track was very smooth and the interaction with other bits of track, supports and the terrain was done very well.

I wasn't a huge fan of the final helix, but I know you were having trouble with that.

Overall, great job, one of the better flyers I've seen. 8.5/10


Slut for Spinners
Thank you, Matt!

Alright, I've been working on this for probably three hours and I'm almost done already:



It looks pretty good so far. How fast is it right now, because it looks pretty drawn out to me.


Slut for Spinners
Supporting continues. I've supported the stall turn and the speed bump over the launch. All I have to do is the overbanked turn and the high speed turn around the lake. Finally, I'll add some vegetation and Blitzkrieg will be done:



Giga Poster
Pretty cool ride. I liked the layout, it was filled with adrenaline and was really fun. Trackwork was mostly good, but there were a few bumps and jerks here and there. I liked the two tone launch track but the tunnels looked a bit tacky in my opinion. Supporting was good, and so was scenery. G-forces were also all good. 8/10


The Legend
Brookes said:
Pretty cool ride. I liked the layout, it was filled with adrenaline and was really fun. Trackwork was mostly good, but there were a few bumps and jerks here and there. I liked the two tone launch track but the tunnels looked a bit tacky in my opinion. Supporting was good, and so was scenery. G-forces were also all good. 8/10

Ditto! This is my favorite ride you've made so far.



Slut for Spinners
Thanks for the replies, guys. As cheesy as it sounds, I really do value what you guys say and look into your comments to improve myself. You guys have been a big help in my improvement over the last few months and I appreciate it. I love seeing these 8's and 8.5's, so once again, thank you for the feedback!


Slut for Spinners
It took me four layouts, but I finally managed to create a flowing, fast paced, and intense layout for an Intamin SLC. This is Rush:
