I wasn’t suggesting that my experience changed yours at all. Never wrote that anywhere. I guess Efteling must have changed their hours since 2019, on their app from mid-March onwards opening is listed until 7pm. It’s not listed from mid-May but I doubt it would go earlier as the summer progresses. It was certainly 10pm for August last year.
Why would I visit a kids park? I have a 5 year old son who is Lego-mad (and to be honest so am I

). I definitely think that park should open past 4pm in May. It felt like such a rush to do everything we wanted to. And plenty of daylight after 4pm at that time of year
I know we're a bit off topic here (this really belong in the WTF or Yay Merlin threads) but it's all a domino effect. It's not just the early closes with AT. It's an arse to get to for a lot of us, then on top of that, ride availability is fairly tragic. So, it makes the 4pm close a lot more sour when you've spent hours getting there, queuing for minimal rides and then bam... at 3pm, you're already on your last hour.
So, whilst I agree that Merlin/AT aren't the only culprits, the early closes at a park like Towers do form part of the reason I basically avoid visits. And I actually like AT, so God knows how some of the GP feel (esp those forking out for a full family!). Even 5pm or 6pm closes could alleviate some of that frustration!
Ultimately though, and the main point, is that it’s 4pm for a reason.
As somebody that does visit AT all the time during these 4pm days, they’re always quiet mid week days during term time, when the park is empty, we’re honestly always done by 2pm. Have a look back over our 2022 LOG entries for yourself, see how many rides we got in on midweek days when I had to leave the park by 3pm for a 5pm start at work.
Yes ride availability is an arse, but the close time doesn’t really make a difference to that. Generally if a ride hasn’t opening by late lunch, it isn’t opening regardless of the close time, and that’s where my issues usually lie.
If you find yourself there on a 4pm close and the park is too busy to get everything done, then they usually extend opening for the day.
They’re a business at the end of the day, if demand is there, then their opening hours reflect that, and vica versa.
As for Legoland, to reiterate, it’s a kids park. If you’re there on a 4pm close then it’s mid week during term time, as in when most kids of school age are at school. Thus the demand isn’t there. (These are the days I’ve visited too, although I haven’t been too many times, like I said was done and dusted in a few hours.)
This whole ‘meme’ (if that’s what we can call it,) about them closing early, started when it was unreasonably early at times when demand should be higher. As in at weekends, or during the holidays, they don’t do that anymore. I don’t think it’s fair to expect any business to work around you if the demand just isn’t there, like weekdays during term times. And it also just isn’t needed, 4pm closes, at low demand times, have proven, in my experience, not to be detrimental to the experience at all. In fact I guarantee you’ll get two or three times as much done on a 4pm close in May as you will on a 9pm close early November…
This all reminds me of the entitled people that come into my pub, moaning because they were one of the measly 3 guests that tried to visit for a meal the Monday before, only to find us closed. Of course, we’ll pay out £300 in wages, £400 in energy, and every other overhead, just so we don’t miss out on £60 from the 3 guests that may visit!