Mega Poster
^Opperating (to the GP) 
^^^Vekoma have just expanded big deal.

^^^Vekoma have just expanded big deal.
dj-fireball999 said:I dunno what it is really, I just feel that Vekoma rides have their own individual charm and character that no other company has, such as B&M, they just seem lifeless, robotic, and all the same.
dj-fireball999 said:Of course, B&M are the world leaders for the coasters that they make, smooth, usually reliable (with exceptions), and are overall very intense, fantastic ride experiences.
dj-fireball999 said:I just feel that they havn't introduced any new ride designs lately, which Vekoma have, loads, which makes me think that Vekoma are the leading manufacturer in coaster innovation. B&M were good for innovation, but just not recently, possibly because they're always covered up in secrecy.... but recently its all been the same, inverted coaster here, here and here, dive machiene here, hypercoaster here and there, etc.
dj-fireball999 said:Vekoma rides are different, unique and special. Their roughness has improved dramatically recently, and their restraints, seats and trains have become more ergonomic and now, probably the most comfortable in the world.
Nemesis Inferno said:Btw, how did we get from Premier or Intamin coaster to a Vekoma vs B&M arguement?
Ben said:Slash said:^ No because they have a piece of corkscrews track further right of the purple SLC track...
You mean the one they've stuck an Oblivion car on, thus making it obvious they're using it to (badly) represent Oblivion...?
OMG. They're making Oblivion into the World's first vertical SLC!!!!1111!!1! All these plans and Corkscrew's removal were a LIE.
That makes about as much sense as your reasoning for an SLC. Oh, btw, have you heard of Nemesis?
And I think the plans are going to be pretty accurate as to wether or not this is Inverted... Maybe the plans will be slightly off and it's actually an Intamin strata with a 550ft top hat and 150mph launch?!?!?!OMG ICANT WAIT.
Slash said:Ben said:Slash said:^ No because they have a piece of corkscrews track further right of the purple SLC track...
You mean the one they've stuck an Oblivion car on, thus making it obvious they're using it to (badly) represent Oblivion...?
OMG. They're making Oblivion into the World's first vertical SLC!!!!1111!!1! All these plans and Corkscrew's removal were a LIE.
That makes about as much sense as your reasoning for an SLC. Oh, btw, have you heard of Nemesis?
And I think the plans are going to be pretty accurate as to wether or not this is Inverted... Maybe the plans will be slightly off and it's actually an Intamin strata with a 550ft top hat and 150mph launch?!?!?!OMG ICANT WAIT.
Ben, I was seeing how many people would believe I was being serious!
Never mind, I think it will be intamin or premier as stated a lot in this thread and I don't care until closer to the time.
Nemesis Inferno said:Btw, how did we get from Premier or Intamin coaster to a Vekoma vs B&M arguement?
Ingested Banjo said:Well I think a vertical slc would be awesome.... Especially into a pit in the ground... legchopper!
bob_3_ said:And that track is pretty blatantly Intamin.
Blatantly Premier
furie said:Bob_3_ - you need to see these plans to help you catch up ... 2030-FUL(E)%20(14450).JPG ... 2030-FUL(F)%20(14451).JPG ... 2030-FUL(G)%20(14452).JPG ... 2030-FUL(H)%20(14453).JPG ... 2030-FUL(I)%20(14454).JPG ... 2030-FUL(J)%20(14455).JPG
All the documents here: ... 3OQPG04H00
The detailed plan drawings, showing details of the track, where uploaded yesterday I think?
You need to cut and paste the links.
furie said:I think Alton have gone for cheap, and for people who can (off the shelf) produce the coaster they desire. Yes, it COULD be an entire bi-rail Intamin, but why would it happen?
Ben can't handle the fact that he might very well be wrong.