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  1. K

    Battlestar Galactica - Duelling Coaster for Singapore

    Went to Universal today and sadly it's still shut. It doesn't appear to be doing anything soon. Scaffolding has been set up around the loop and in the trench, although there didn't seem to be anyone working on it. There were a few messages over the parks PA system saying it was shut due to...
  2. K

    Battlestar Galactica - Duelling Coaster for Singapore

    Has there been any news as to whether this is reopen yet? I'm heading out that way on monday and should be visiting the park early May... would be a shame if it's still shut.
  3. K

    Kid injured on ride at Sonisphere Festival

    As a fair few people on the Live last week knew, I stopped in at Sonisphere Festival at Knebworth after the trip. In the main arena there they had a fair ground, as is the norm at these big festivals these days, but towards the back was one ride all cordoned off, which I thought was a bit odd...
  4. K

    Fårup My Frikadella Trip Reports!

    Had an absolutely fantastic time. Best trip I've ever done by a country mile, so many thanks to everyone and of course Mark for organising it all. I would do a big trip report but I can't really be bothered. :P There were so many awesome moments on the trip, it's impossible to say them all...
  5. K

    College Work/Music

    Sorry, slow reply here. Thanks for the feedback. I'm in the process of remixing/mastering the above track before the final submission next week, so will have a play around with the vocals. I had them EQ'd a bit more to the mids originally but it came out extremely muddy, so I guess I over...
  6. K

    Manta- B&M Flyer for SWO opening May 22

    This ride is looking gorgeous now with those surroundings I reckon. When it was going up I was worried it wasn't going to fit in with the rest of the park that well, but looking at it now it seems to flow very nicely. I think it looks a lot larger now it's landscaped also, which is cool.
  7. K

    College Work/Music

    Cheers. The vocals were done in about 4 takes that were pieced together in Logic, but my friend learnt and recorded them in under 3 hours a few days before it was due in, so they're not perfect. I did toy with using a tripod to film, got couldn't be bothered to lug around fields and stuff for...
  8. K

    College Work/Music

    Seeing as there seems to be a slight musical theme in here, I thought I would post one or two of my things. I'm doing a HNC music production course at college at the moment, for which I've been making various pieces throughout the year. So far I've had to do a cover song and a 2-part demo, as...
  9. K

    Firework fans: Eat your hearts out

    You call them stupid for spending all that money of the palm islands and other resorts, when they are one of the only big oil producers in the world putting their money into other investments, so when the oil does run out for them they will still have a relatively stable economy based on other...
  10. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Epic LOL at the Download announcement! :lol: Already booked off the two weekends for Bloodstock and Reading, so looks like I'm doing those two now. Will get my Bloodstock ticket straight after next payday, then hopefully Reading on release day... if I can. What an awesome two weeks that will...
  11. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Yeah, that was friday night. They were good but not the best of the weekend IMO. It was so bloody hot in there though, that might have been something to do with it.
  12. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Oh shush :P I though they were band of the weekend personally, but as I said, it was a lot down to the atmosphere of where I was, and they are just generally one of my favourite bands of all time, lol.
  13. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Made a totally spontaneous decision to go and see Linkin Park yesterday, Found out tickets were going back on sale at about 7:30am, snapped up 2 seated tickets in school about 12pm, left Cheltenham at 2 and was at the O2 just in time to start. Was absolutely amazing! Not as good as they were at...
  14. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    I thought Serj was excellent at Cardiff, must get his album. Obviously getting stranded is a running theme with Foos gigs :P. And whilst we are on that topic... ORGASMS! :D
  15. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Saw Foo Fighters in Cardiff last night and was well impressed. One of the best gigs I've been to withou a doubt, despite being told to wait in the wrong place for the last bus home and missing it. Nothing like being stranded in Cardiff city centre, being told to sleep on the streets by the...
  16. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Went to see Sanctity/Evile/Romeo Must Die in Cardiff on monday... was absolutely blown away, especially by Evile. If you're into thrash, look into them, I have a feeling they may get pretty big, and I hope they do. Sanctity were good too and I got their drumstick at the end, and got to sing on...
  17. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Just bagged me 4 standing tickets to Foo Fighters in Cardiff. Should be a good laugh... well, I hope it is after the hell I went through trying to get the damn things.
  18. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    I wanted to go to that so much, but by the time I had the money and all together it had sold out. Oh well, hopefully next time (in 5 years knowing them). Do both, you know it makes sense, money is no matter when it comes to gigs! :P Yup, I'm hypocritical sometimes
  19. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    ^Be that standing Mr Will? Even though mine cost me £50, it will still be worth the ticket price! :D
  20. K

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    Just got Dream Theater tickets for Newport on Nov 9th :D Is it weird that I'm going with my geography teacher? He is kind of cool like that, he offered us a lift cause hes really into the whole prog scene. He went with a few of my mates to Porcupine Tree the other month. We are on a...