Search results

  1. Rush

    Should Flamingo Land lget rid of Kumali.

    Well I know a friend, who knows a friend of a friend, whose mother is a friend of someone whose brother's friend works in Flamingoland admissions. Anyway, he said that they were planning on ripping Flamingoland and replace it with a shopping village. What does your friend of friend of a...
  2. Rush

    The out of context, selective quote game.
  3. Rush

    Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

    I like it, something different and it looks rather snazzy. Just a shame that the avatar has pretty much the same picture as the duck in the sig. 8/10.
  4. Rush

    Should Flamingo Land lget rid of Kumali.

    What recent discussion? To bring Top Gun back? Why would they replace a coaster that's been there only 4 years with something which is old and looks to be falling apart? :? Despite the ride being gash in my opinion, I think it would be silly for them to remove it now. It's not been there long...
  5. Rush

    "Now Showing"

    I know, the joke's old. (unlike Ollie) I saw Hot Fuzz last night... for the third time... in a fortnight. :P Still an utterly hilarious film. <3 10/10
  6. Rush

    New Theme Park Websites

    Thorpe's new website makes me jealous of blind people. It's disgusting.
  7. Rush

    Extreme Makeover: CF Edition

    The presenter repeated the question for the fifth time, "what is three times four?" It has been Steven's most challenging task of his career yet and he was faced with a dilemma. "Could it be this.... or this" he thought to himself. He knew the people of America would lose faith if he didn't...
  8. Rush

    Old people... "The Older Generation"

    I may not be from Croydon but I find that highly offensive. People under 60 die all the time, doesn't necessaily mean they're from deprived areas. I know you're probably joking but that comment came out as snobby rather than humorous.
  9. Rush


    I do get nervous on some rides, particularly launches. Despite me not really liking Stealth that much, I still get butterflies queueing up for it. Same applies to drop towers. I know I am 100% going to be ****ting myself queueing up for Dragster, Ka or Hurakan Condor. Strangely enough, one...
  10. Rush

    Rides You Just Can't Be Bothered With?

    You haven't missed much, it's awful. I'll add things which spin too much to the list. e.g Top Scans, waltzers and afterburners. Especially Vortex, that always makes me feel horrible after riding. I very almost threw up after riding it in February. Horrible thing.
  11. Rush

    What's a Boggart to you?

    A child waving a balloon around. The thought of it makes my blood turn cold. =[
  12. Rush

    Celebrity Deaths 2010 edition <final scoreboard pg29>

    Hem hem. :wink: EDIT: Petra Schürmann, Miss World of 1956.
  13. Rush

    Celebrity Deaths 2010 edition <final scoreboard pg29>

    Well like it or not, Paris Hilton is far more of a celebrity than any of the people already mentioned. Not necessarily for the right reasons though. It's safe to say that most people have heard of her, however I don't think as many people would know who Miep Gies or Art Clokey. I for one have...
  14. Rush

    The YouTube/Vine Thread [Post all vids in here!] This always makes me laugh a little. :lol:
  15. Rush

    Celebrity Deaths 2010 edition <final scoreboard pg29>

    I think the topic title should be changed to "Notable Deaths in 2010" as to be honest none of the people listed are really celebrities. (Of course, there has to be some claim to fame not just a random person from Wikipedia.) I wouldn't consider Miep Gies or the atomic bomb survivor a celebrity...
  16. Rush

    Swingy Spinny thing, seating direction

    Outwards because facing inwards makes me feel really sick. My last ride on Vortex in February, eurgh I was pretty close to puking. Maelstrom however, I found enjoyable and not displeasing to the stomach.
  17. Rush

    When do you put it in your mouth?

    ^^Urrm... how about "How often do you brush your teeth?" The fact that you're desperately trying to make a funny innuendo for the topic does anything but make it funny. Damn, Hixee beat me to it. ¬_¬ Usually twice a day but sometimes I slack a bit for instance if I wake up really late or...
  18. Rush

    Coaster Noises in Real Life?

    A fizzy drink bottle being opened = Screamin' Swing. :wink:
  19. Rush

    2009 Coasterpoll Results

    I couldn't find my ballot. :( Oh well, once more the Poll disagrees with me with Alpengeist, Oblivion and California Screamin' put quite lower than coasters such as Nemesis, which I have to say again, I don't rate very highly. :P
  20. Rush


    No, I said I WANT to go back to school. :P