New profile posts

Do you ever just, never go somewhere because you live 3 minutes away from it?
"We can go there any time" then your first visit is four years after you find out about it 😅
🥺🥺🥺 If they keep building such amazing coasters, I'll have to change the top 15 in my signature to a top 20, just to stop Nemesis falling off my signature...
Cedar Point in 10 days! Also Top Thrill Dragster announcement in 10 days! Lets hope I can get the Gatekeeper cred I've always dreamed of 😭
Working shifts part means I have the flexibility to go to parks midweek. Yet, I still manage to book the August bank holiday....

Have made this mistake before and regretted it, hopefully will be better this year!
First post let's goooo!!! HII I'm super new to this place so idk what I'm doing 95% of the time help