Great to see this thread getting a bump! I also have a couple of new additions since its creation in 2020.
I know that the praises of
The Ride To Happiness have been sung so heavily on this forum; but can anyone honestly say that they expected it to deliver as much airtime as it does? for a spinner? I mean the drop off that weird top hat was always going to deliver, but every single hill hits. The moment that caught me most off guard was the airtime on the second launch. That has no right delivering the airtime it does.
Another highly praised coaster,
Fury 325, also caught me completely off guard with the airtime on the Treble Clef element. I think there is definitely part of me that assumes too much based on footage and is always skeptical of the hype. Rising up to the top of that element and sideways out of your seat is a truly euphoric moment though.
Not a coaster, but the back row on
Magma 2.0 gave me some of the strongest pops of ejector airtime that I've ever experienced... on ****ing truck

You can thank the potholes in the road for delivering those! Truly mental and a must-do for anyone not faint of heart.
I will also second
@Nitefly's thoughts on
Zadra. Zero-G stall airtime makes no sense... but it is glorious!
With the good does come the bad though and I have two new entries for the "Airtime Blueballs" category.
I'll start with the obvious.
Apollo's Chariot easily has the worse ratio of airtime hills to airtime sensation of any coaster I have ridden. We rode it at the end of a long, boiling hot day, so it wasn't that it hadn't warmed up. It just needs an extra 5mph to turn it from something lackluster into one of the best B&M hypers.
And then countering
@Nitefly's opinion on
Lightning Rod, for me of the 6 RMC's I've ridden, this had the weakest airtime of the lot. The biggest offender being the infamous quad down. This foursome should have been an assault on my thighs; instead, it was more like a polite tap, regardless of the row.